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The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom reports monthly expenses and receipts for the first half of 1926.

Ambedkar sends Addams his wishes for a quick recovery from illness and hopes that he can see her while in America.

Several filmed outtakes of Jane Addams discussing the history of settlements and the work that they do with a group of children. Click this link to view the video, which comes from a 35mm nitrocellulose negative. The film is hosted by the University of South Carolina's Moving Image Research Collection. A reference card about the clip is also attached.

Addams tells Marriott that she will donate a collection of her archival materials to Swarthmore College.

Addams tells Hull that she is opposed to the idea of a Jane Addams Peace Fund and discusses a possible trip to New York.

Hull asks Addams her opinion of establishing a Jane Addams Peace Foundation.

Addams updates Lloyd on efforts to secure citizenship for Rosika Schwimmer.

Addams tells Maddox that due to her health she cannot accept any out of town speaking engagements.

Addams tells Page that she must resign from the League for Independent Political Action and reports on her vote for Hoover.

Addams tells Sheepshanks about her improving health and the upcoming WILPF conference, noting that she does not want to be elected president again.

Addams tells Linn that she is recovering from illness and plans to stay in Tucson for a month.

Addams wishes Starr a happy birthday and recounts their long friendship.

Addams discusses the impact of prohibition on urban communities and notes a gradual increase in availability of alcohol due to home-based distilling. Addams gave this talk to the Kalamazoo and Battle Creek Social Workers' Clubs at the Y.W.C.A. building.

Addams updates Balch on efforts to publish Aletta Jacobs's manuscript.

Addams condemns the future execution of Sacco and Vanzetti, claiming it will harm relations between the US and its immigrant inhabitants.

Addams asks Hoover for clemency for Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti as a means of foreign-born Americans

Addams replies to Catt's questionnaire but discourages Catt from trying to fight the Daughters of the American Revolution's attacks on her and the peace movement.

Catt asks Addams for information so that she can publish a defense of peace activists vilified by the Daughters of the American Revolution.
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Addams asks Wells to continue her annual donation to Hull-House.

Marshall tells Addams why she has not been able to work effectively for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom for the last few months.

Kellogg tells Addams about the Survey's "Fascist Issue" and asks for recommendations for people who might be interested.

McCune asks Rich for help negotiating between the Chicago Board of Education and the Hebrew Institute.

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