36 results

  • Subject is exactly "child welfare reforms"

Addams questions the process of how pension funds are being distributed to needing families and how it needs to be handled better while criticizing the city of Chicago's government for not doing enough to help the poor.
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Addams questions the process of how pension funds are being distributed to needing families and how it needs to be handled better while criticizing the city of Chicago's government for not doing enough to help the poor.
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Addams argues that young boys need an outlet for their pent-up energy and adventurousness, and that without an outlet, like a playground, they are susceptible to petty crime.

A newspaper report of Addams' speech before the Civic and Commerce Association in which she discusses the benefits of social centers.

Breckinridge writes Addams about finances, planning, and expected attendees of the upcoming Child Welfare Exhibit in Chicago.

Van Dine writes Addams about her experiences with the asylum for feeble-minded children, particularly detailing its political difficulties, and asks for advice about creating a civil service position for the institution.
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Addams discusses traditional women's roles and how they correspond to a greater need for the involvement of woman in politics.

Livingston writes Addams about her article on white slavery, because she herself is working in the Chinatown area of New York City working to help women get out of prostitution.
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Addams's galley proof for the preface to Safeguards for City Youth at Work and at Play, praising the book and explaining why it should be consulted concerning matters of child welfare.
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A preface by Addams, explaining the importance of the book Safeguard for City Youth at Work and Play and matters of child welfare.
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Addams' short introduction to the Child Welfare Exhibit invites the public to enjoy and learn from the exhibit. It was published in 1912.

Adams remarks on his pleasant stay at Hull-House and reports that he asked Almy to send Addams the Newsboy pamphlets from Buffalo and New York (not found).

Addams discusses the value of playgrounds for urban children, emphasizing the situation for youth in London.

Addams argues that when women vote, they help to improve protection for children and to the general public.

Pettit writes to Addams about her trip to the Kentucky mountains to visit the mountain schools.

Atkinson reports on a meeting of the Boys' Club directors where he explained how he obtained the photograph of the Chicago American Distributing room, and he can now grant her permission to use it in her report.

Addams and Nicholes ask Blaine, along with other members of the Woman's City Club, to encourage their aldermen to attend the Child Welfare Exhibit in Chicago.

A description of a fundraising luncheon featuring Adolf Meyer and William Allan Neilson to support research into child welfare.

Abbott thanks Addams for serving on the American committee on Child Welfare has been disbanded, and reports on its replacement.

Latham sends Addams information on conference resolutions on children born out of wedlock.

Mahany writes Addams about janitorial conditions at the Kershaw School.

Addams and Edward Dunne speak on Chicago's capacity to fund recreation and park spaces.
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Addams discusses the work of the League for the Protection of Children, formed to advocate for the well being of children in Chicago. The comments were made during the National Education Association meeting.