Rose E. Livingston to Jane Addams, 1912

49 Greenwich ave
NY City.

Dear Miss Addams

Pardon me for writing to you but have been reading Nov Magazine about the white slavery you wrote. I feel my heart go out to every woman that is fighting against this great evil. I have been shut up for 10 long years in China Town NY, and this coming March 4 will be 9 years since I have been out serving God, and doing [page 2] missionary work for God. last year with God help have got 29 young girls out from China Town girls from 10 years old to 17. hope if God willing someday I may see you, and tell you of the work I am doing and all about how God has keep me true for 9 years.

God bless you in your fight for the young girls. [page 3]

Yours in God work.

Miss R E Livingston.
49 Greenwich ave
NY City.

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