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  • Mentions: University of Chicago

Widegren discusses her ideas for training peace workers to collaborate internationally given to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Balkan Conference.

Addams warns Maddox that books from her library and Emily Balch's will soon arrive at Rockford College.

Also known as What Next in Chicago?, October 1926

Addams discusses early efforts for civic reform and housing in a speech to the Woman's City Club.

Addams describes the history of the Chicago Woman's Club and the future of social reform.

MacDonald asks Addams for advice about accepting a lecture in Chicago and hopes to accept her invitation to saty at Hull-House.

Gerald Briney Smith request to receive access for Mr. Schmabacher's full name for a plaque gift at the University of Chicago.

Addams tells Haldeman-Julius about her travel plans.

Addams tells Andrews her views on an article about the American Association for Labor Legislation.
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Addams updates Hulbert on her trip and provides some information about financial matters.

Kelley tells Addams of her plans to visit Chicago and asks that Edith Abbott not overburden herself with plans.

A report of the death of American publicist Charles Zueblin.

Addams sends La Follette a letter of recommendation for Ida and Robert Morss Lovett.

Addams responds to Woods' questions about conference planning, delegates, and the Summer School.

Addams asks after Linn's health and sends an heirloom chair.
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Also known as Address to the Annual Meeting of the United States Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, April 28, 1925

Addams discusses the unequal relationship between Mexico and the United States and efforts in Mexico to prevent economic dependence on America.

Addams discusses the unequal relationship between Mexico and the United States and efforts in Mexico to prevent economic dependence on America. This was a speech given on April 28, 1925 at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section meeting.

Addams updates Glücklich on the plans for the 1924 International Congress of Women.

The article describes a poll of the wonders of Chicago that includes Addams.

Muprhy details the American peace tour of Annot Robinson, Gertrud Baer, and Thérèse Pottecher-Arnould.

Addams asks Cummings if the Peace Foundation would be interested in keeping Gertrud Baer in the United States to lecture.

Feingold tells Addams that the Schwabeckers are willing for Hull-House to transfer a boys camp to the University of Chicago if the Schwabacker name is added to another building.

Addams and Marshall discuss play's positive effect on young children.

A list of Manley Hudson's engagements during his trip to Chicago.

Addams asks Hudson to make several lectures in Chicago.