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Emerson discusses the role of education in a lecture to the Masonic Temple in Boston.

Richepin's ballad centers around a young man and his misguided love.
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Addams describes the efforts of Hull-House in a speech to the Sunset Club in Chicago.
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Addams discusses the problems that charity workers face when they bring middle-class assumptions about the poor to their efforts to practically help them.

Addams discusses Scudder's opposition to Wellesley's accepting a donation from Standard Oil, and locating people to fill a position at a settlement.
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Jane Addams' diary.

Ely encourages Addams to continue working on Democracy and Social Ethics and to send him a general description of it for advance publication.

Addams' argues that mob violence, and particularly lynching against African Americans in the South, erodes respect for the all among all groups and accomplishes nothing positive for any community that condones it.

Addams updates Ely on her progress on Democracy and Social Ethics.

Addams writes Haldeman about a book by William Allen White, probably Stratagems and Spoils: Stories of Love and Politics (1901).

Addams writes Haldeman regarding legal matters, a visit from John Linn, and Christmas gifts.

Addams provides Sax contact information for J. Weintraub in New York and discusses her recent lecture in Iowa.

Addams apologizes for failing to send Blaine her New York lecture.

Anderson seeks Addams' advice on hiring a new person to take over the Neighborhood House in Louisville, KY. She discusses the function of a settlement and the relationship between religion and settlement work.

Addams complains about a bust and advises Haldeman not to order it without seeing it, and notes some stir in the Dakota land.

Jones recommends Frederick Burlingham as a potential Hull-House resident and asks Addams about contributing articles.
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Addams' draft notes for a eulogy for Alzina Parsons Stevens in which she quotes from William Wordsworth's "The Happy Warrior."
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Addam's notes for a tribute to Alzina Parsons Stevens, the president of Hull-House's Woman's Club.

Addams eagerly awaits Kelley's arrival for a month in March and plans a meeting.

Addams updates Haldeman about financial and legal dealings about the Lake Forest property.

Addams thanks Moody for his recent poem, "On the Soldier Fallen in the Philippines," published in the Atlantic and discusses her inadequate reaction to the war dead.

Addams briefly asks Kelley not to send any money because John Kelley was her guest.

Jones encloses a letter from James K. Hosmer (not included) and asks Addams to respond to Hosmer directly.

Moody thanks Addams for her letter and remarks how much her praise of his poem, "On the Soldier Fallen in the Philippines," means to him.

Rowe, the secretary for Illinois Governor Richard Yates Jr., writes to acknowledge receiving Addams' letter regarding Florence Kelley, and to arrange a meeting in Springfield.

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