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Andrews, Fannie Fern Phillips (1867-1950)
Item Relations
Participated in (3)
Member of (8)
Mentioned in (64)
Received by (7)
Written by (6)
Comments (0)
International Congress of Women (1915)
International Congress of Women (1919)
Paris Peace Conference (1919)
American School Peace League
Church Peace Union
International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace (ICWPP)
International Peace Bureau (IPB)
League to Enforce Peace
Woman's Peace Party (WPP)
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, United States Section
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
Old Glory: The Flag of Hope for World Peace, 1915
Susan Walker FitzGerald to Jane Addams, January 19, 1915
Secretary to Jane Addams to Alice Clothier Darnell, January 29, 1915
Secretary to Jane Addams to Corinne C. Lingenfelter, February 2, 1915
Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, March 13, 1915
Secretary to Jane Addams to Berenice Morrison-Fuller, March 19, 1915
Women in Earnest, Says Jane Addams, April 28, 1915
Woman's Position in War Worse than Hellish, April 28, 1915
Women's Congress Honors Belgians, April 30, 1915
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, July 13, 1915
Peace Campaign Abroad Clipping, August 2, 1915
Herman Jerome Schwartz to Jane Addams, September 27, 1915
Jane Addams to Kathleen D'Olier Courtney, October 14, 1915
Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, December 1915
Report of the International Congress of Women, December 1915
Harriet Park Thomas to Laura Hughes, December 15, 1915
Jane Addams to Henry Crittenden Morris, January 18, 1916
William Isaac Hull to Jane Addams, January 20, 1916
Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, January 21, 1916
Jane Addams to David Starr Jordan, January 27, 1916
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Frances Briley Enochs, February 16, 1916
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Jane Addams, March 9, 1916
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Clara Schlee Laddey, March 28, 1916
Harriet Park Thomas to Jane Addams, July 8, 1916
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Jane Addams, August 15, 1916
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, September 14, 1916
Women to Confer on Plans to Further Lasting Peace, ca. October 1916
Peace Plans, November 27, 1916
The Second Annual Meeting of the Woman's Peace Party, December 9, 1916
Rose Dabney Forbes to Jane Addams, February 15, 1917
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Lucia Ames Mead, September 11, 1917
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, September 15, 1917
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, September 28, 1917
Alice Thacher Post to Hannah Clothier Hull and Lucia Ames Mead, November 8, 1917
Alice Thacher Post to Hannah Clothier Hull, November 11, 1917
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, November 12, 1917
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, February 8, 1918
Frederick Lynch to Louis Paul Lochner, February 14, 1918
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Emily Greene Balch, March 19, 1918
Jane Addams to Woman's Peace Party National Executive Board, May 14, 1918
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, May 17, 1918
Jane Addams to Alice Thacher Post, December 13, 1918
Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams, December 13, 1918
Jane Addams to Alice Thacher Post, December 17, 1918
Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams, December 17, 1918
Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams, December 20, 1918
Jane Addams to Alice Thacher Post, January 6, 1919
Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams, January 8, 1919
Jane Addams to Alice Thacher Post, January 9, 1919
Jane Addams to Hannah Clothier Hull, February 6, 1919
Browse all documents that mention "Andrews, Fannie Fern Phillips (1867-1950)"
Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, March 13, 1915
Emily Greene Balch to William Jennings Bryan, September 7, 1916
Jane Addams to Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews, January 2, 1918
Jane Addams to the Delegates of the International Congress of Women, November 5, 1918
Jane Addams to Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews, December 1918
Jane Addams to Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews, December 10, 1918
Jane Addams to Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews, April 14, 1920
Hamilton Holt, Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews, & Frederick Lynch to Jane Addams, July 23, 1915
Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews to Jane Addams, November 24, 1915
Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews to Jane Addams, January 25, 1916
Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews to Jane Addams, October 18, 1917
Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews to Jane Addams, February 20, 1918
Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews to Jane Addams, February 6, 1920
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