January 6th, 1919
My dear Mrs. Post:
One letter has certainly been delayed. It was the very one containing the signatures for your certification. It was returned to us this morning and sent on to you.
After consultation with Judge Mack and one or two other people, I have decided not to take up the passport question at the present moment. The crux of the difficulty would doubtless be encountered when the passport had to be vised by the French Consul. I am personally quite convinced that it would be better to delay application at least until February. In the meantime, however, I think it would be fine if you and Mrs. Mead were over there with Mrs. Andrews and if we could add, perhaps Mabel [Kittredge] and one or two others, making a little committee in Paris.
Dorothy North, who has just returned on a visit, thinks that Madame Duchene and the others of our group in Paris would be much cheered by the presence of an American Committee. She said that Mary McDowell had been doing some speaking which they all appreciated very much. She seemed to feel that the Socialists and Labor people were the only Frenchmen really backing the President's plans, and that there was great need of stirring up sentiment.
I think the [rumor] about passports to Labor men was, according to Agnes Nestor, due to the fact that permission had been refused for a "World Labor Congress" and that Mr. Gompers and the rest did not care for another Allied Labor Congress.
We are having splendid meetings on a League of Nations in Chicago and I am going to take some out-of-town engagements this month. I am sure that that is a useful thing.
Affectionately yours,
Jane Addams [signed]
We are enclosing a cable which has just come from England, the first reply to the letter itself. I am also enclosing a copy of a speech delivered by Mme. Duchene in welcoming President Wilson.