Secretary to Jane Addams to Corinne C. Lingenfelter, February 2, 1915


February 2, 1915.

Miss Corinne C. [Lingenfelter],
1158 18th St.,
Des Moines, Iowa.

My dear Miss [Lingenfelter]: --

Your letter to Miss Addams came while she was in the east, and has just been referred to me for answer.

We hope the organized sentiment of women, in accordance with the plan for legislative and propaganda work outlined in the enclosed leaflet, will be a powerful factor in combating the militarizing of public sentiment by the press.

The matter referred to in your letter would come directly under the American School Peace League, 405 Marlborough St., Boston, of which Mrs. Fannie Fern Andrews is Secretary. I am sending your letter with its enclosure to her.

Mrs. William Theophilus, of Davenport, Iowa, has been appointed State Chairman of the Woman's Peace Party for Iowa. I am sure she will be glad to know of women in her state who are working for peace, and who will assist her in this great movement. Will you not write to her?

Sincerely yours,

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