Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Clara Schlee Laddey, March 28, 1916


March 28th, 1916.

My dear Mrs. Laddey:

In Miss Addams' absence from the city your letter of March 21st has been referred to this office. We have read with interest both your letter and the clipping which you enclosed.

Perhaps you, as a member of the New Jersey Branch of the Woman's Peace Party, could help to arrange for some more active work on their part. We planned for February 22nd mass meetings all over the country, or at least we tried to plan: we urged that our branches and affiliated organizations arrange for such mass meetings and about forty such meetings were held. School Peace Day comes May 18th and this is another occasion when demonstrations all over the country on the same day would be very effective. Mrs. Fannie Fern Andrews of the American School Peace League, 405 Marlborough Street, Boston, Massachusetts, is making very definite plans for this celebration and we are [cooperating] in every way possible in trying to arrange for really worth while demonstrations in the colleges of the middle west. Perhaps you could do something in New Jersey. Will you not write us again in reference to this?

I am sending you under separate cover some of our recent publications and would call special attention to the Hearing of Miss Addams' before the House Committee on Military Affairs, and to the article by Dr. Hardin and the reprint from the Atlantic Monthly. These, I believe, will all be of interest to you.

Hoping to hear from you soon again, I am

Very sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Mrs. V. Laddey,
52 New Lawn Avenue,
Arlington, New Jersey.