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  • Tags: Children
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Addams uses the story of the devil-baby to discuss how the beliefs in fairy tales are still an influencing factor in people's thinking.
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Addams expounds upon the role of religious education in keeping youth from vice and examines the difficult standards to which young women are held. This is the third in a five-part series, which would ultimately be published as A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil later in the year.
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An essay collected from Addams' writings on children, child labor, and recreational opportunities in the city.

A compilation of Addams' writings on reducing child labor, and increasing playgrounds and education for working-class children.

Addams tells Thomas that women in America must keep their sons out of World War I.

Addams discusses the pros and cons of child insurance.

Addams notes abuses of Hull-Houses day nurseries by lazy fathers whose wives have to work.

Addams participated in a tribute dinner to Mary Augusta Ward, held by the Playground Association of America. The event was held on March 31, 1908, at New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where Addams discussed the need for play, art, and creativity, and warns that without such outlets men will fall to drink and immoral behavior. She highlighted the lack of healthy entertainments, especially for young women. The speech was published in April in The Playground, a monthly journal of the Playground Association of America.

Also known as Statements from teachers from schools in Gelsenkirchen, March 1920

German teachers describe the impact of food shortages on education.

The Children's World Peace Movement aims to educate children on peace by working with boards of education and superintendents on implementing peace lessons and concepts.

Norton thanks Buckbee for the peace petition she sent to Addams and suggests some alternate routes.

Norton informs Addams to affairs going on in the office concerning the play, Trojan Women, including an issue involving a child actor.

Pond writes to Bowen regarding a bequest from the Schwabacher family for a summer camp to be operated in conjunction with the University of Chicago Settlement.

Haldeman discusses the logistics of starting a young boy's club.

Haldeman-Julius tells Addams about her anticipation of having a second child.