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General Federation of Women's Clubs
Item Relations
Member of (21)
Received by (2)
Mentioned in (69)
Written by (4)
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Boyd, Mrs. Charles Sumner (?-?)
Cooke, Jean Mottram (1871-1954)
Decker, Sarah Sophia Chase Platt (1855-1912)
Greene, Jenny M. (1856-1935)
Hamilton, Bertha M. Nelson (1870-1920)
Hardy, Gertrude Laws (1871-1961)
Lederer, Mrs. (?-?)
Lofgren, Julia Parsons (1881-1963)
Lyon, Anna Parker (1861-1937)
McCoy, Emma Augusta (1884-1945)
Morse, Bertha Glaspell (1868-1928)
O'Connor, Kate F. (1860-1945)
Pedrick, Mary Knox Garvin (1873-1959)
Poppenheim, Louisa Bouknight (1868-1957)
Poston, Bertha Kelsey (1884-1958)
Prescott, Edna Hanion (1873?-1952)
Seymour, Margarita Petitdidier (1870-1962)
Sherman, Mary Belle (1862-1935)
Sippel, Bettie Monroe (1867?-1943)
Weitz, Alice Carey Wilson (1871-1957)
White, Emma Eaton (1868-1959)
Jane Addams to Dimies T. S. Denison and the General Federation of Women's Clubs, ca. December 1903
Jane Addams to the General Federation of Women's Clubs, July 7, 1906
Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, May 3, 1902
Statement on Train Wreck, May 12, 1902
To Aid Craftsmen, August 15, 1902
Address to the South Side Woman's Club, February 16, 1904 (excerpt)
Louisa B. Poppenheim to Jane Addams, July 9, 1904
Settlement Work Lecture to Minnesota Federation of Women's Clubs, October 21, 1905 (excerpt)
Traditional Housekeeping and Pure Food, February 17, 1906
Settlement Work, June 1, 1906 (excerpt)
Settlement Work, June 1, 1906 (excerpt)
Woman's Conscience and Social Amelioration, April 6, 1908
Woman's Conscience and Social Amelioration, April 6, 1908
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil, Chapter III: Lack of Moral Education and Its Dangers, January 1912
Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, April 2, 1912
Clara B. Arthur to Maragret Dreier Robins, September 23, 1912
Immigrant Woman As She Adjusts Herself to American Life, June 10, 1914 (excerpt)
Immigrant Woman As She Adjusts Herself to American Life, June 10, 1914
Women's Clubs and Public Policies, June 10, 1914
Women's Club and Public Policies, June 10, 1914
Women's Clubs and Public Progress, June 10, 1914
Comments at General Federation of Women's Clubs Convention, June 12, 1914 (excerpt)
Remarks on Women and Public Responsibilities, August 9, 1914
Julia Clifford Lathrop to Jane Addams, September 12, 1914
A Memory, December 12, 1914
Jane Addams to Carrie Chapman Catt, December 14, 1914
Jane Addams to Carrie Chapman Catt, December 21, 1914
Jane Addams to Anna J. H. Pennybacker, December 23, 1914
Old Glory: The Flag of Hope for World Peace, 1915
Secretary to Jane Addams to Anna J. Hardwicke Pennybacker, January 25, 1915
Jane Addams to Landonia Randolph Minor Dashiell, February 4, 1916
Katherine Davis Cumberson to Harriet Park Thomas, April 4, 1916
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Arletta L. Warren, October 21 1916
Jane Addams to Zona Gale, October 23, 1916
Jane Addams to Eve Watson-Schütze, October 30, 1916
Zona Gale to Jane Addams April 24, 1917
Food Conservation, October 16, 1917
Ruth Churchyard Williams to Jane Addams, ca. January 23, 1918
Arthur Eugene Bestor to Jane Addams, January 31, 1918
Jane Addams to Arthur Eugene Bestor, February 9, 1918
Ruth Churchyard Williams to Jane Addams, February 10, 1918
Arthur Eugene Bestor to Jane Addams, February 13, 1918
Jane Addams to Arthur Eugene Bestor, February 19, 1918
Jane Addams to Arthur Eugene Bestor, April 23, 1918
Jane Addams to Lola Maverick Lloyd, April 30, 1918
The World's Food Supply and Woman's Obligation, May 3, 1918
The World's Food Supply and Woman's Obligation, May 3, 1918
The World's Food Supply and Woman's Obligation, May 3, 1918
The World's Food Supply and Woman's Obligation, May 3, 1918
Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, October 30, 1918
Woman's Peace Party Delegates and Alternatives, November 1918
Madeline McDowell Breckinridge, December 16, 1920
Browse all documents that mention "General Federation of Women's Clubs "
Anna J. H. Pennybacker to Jane Addams, December 31, 1914
Emma Pierce Cole to Jane Addams, March 6, 1915
Laura Holmes Reilley to Jane Addams, May 31, 1916
Mary Belle Sherman to Lydia Scott Lanyon, November 20, 1926
General Federation Magazine
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