Ruth Churchyard Williams to Jane Addams, ca. January 23, 1918


Dear Miss Addams -- I am hastily enclosing a copy of the letter I wrote Mrs. Mead as she said she wished she might send it to you -- I had marked it private.

Frankly neither the other members of the State Committee nor I like the methods of the N.Y. City group, and I am sure you would not either. They always wish to dominate, not cooperate. If that were all I would overlook that, but they are so determined that they do not hesitate to undertake their way in defiance of rules and [judgment] -- which defeat just what we are all, they as well trying to accomplish.

I can give you instances to be verified by Mrs. Thomas, Miss Burritt and others -- about the General Federation of Women's Clubs at their biennial -- of actions which brought down condemnation on all the Peace workers including myself or rather ourselves -- and the work of Zona Gale was lost. I will not cite the [page 2] methods and actions for months, during the ↑work for the↓ Physical Training laws of N.Y. State. They would be condemned by any impartial group of people, nor go into further details -- I abhor all this personal report but you must understand that that group of workers have brought more criticism on the Peace Party than all other organizations put together -- why give them more power.

Heaven knows I don't want it, but if [separated] perhaps we can soon have a State organization of which we may be proud -- and I not the chairman.

Please pardon my haste and know that I admire and love you, and know under all circumstances you are doing everything for the best.

Very Sincerely

Ruth C. Williams

Private and