Old Glory: The Flag of Hope for World Peace, 1915

"Old Glory"
The Flag of Hope for
World Peace [page 2]



Reprinted by permission from Sunset Magazine [page 3]

"Old Glory"
The Flag of Hope for
World Peace









Peace Commanded

I HAVE given you lands to hunt in.
I have given you streams to fish in.
I have given you bear and bison.
I have given you roe and reindeer.
Filled the marshes full of wild fowl;
Filled the rivers full of fishes.
Why, then, will ye hunt each other?
I am weary of your quarrels;
Weary of your wars and bloodshed.
Weary of your prayers for vengeance,
Of your wranglings and dissension.
All your strength is in your union;
All your danger is in discord.
Therefore be at peace henceforward
And as brothers live together.
Wash the war paint from your faces,
Wash the blood stains from your fingers.
Bury your war clubs and your hatchets
And as brothers live together.
-- Longfellow, in Hiawatha.
O brothers, lift a cry, a long world cry,
Sounding from sky to sky --
The cry of one great word,
Peace, Peace, the world-will clamoring to be heard,
A cry to break the ancient [battle-ban],
To end it in the sacred name of man.
-- [Edwin] Markham. [page 6]

A CRISIS in the world is here. America faces the greatest opportunity of the Ages, to be a universal benefactor to the Human Race. Hundreds of millions, representing all nations, are stretching their pleading, shackled hands to her for aid.

May the powerful messages of this little booklet help its readers to help "Old Glory" do her duty toward God and toward Humanity. My gratitude is great to all who have assisted me in this compilation of facts, statements and tributes.


Peace Commanded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . 3
Horrors of War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
Dangers of Armed Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
Peace Prophecies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Suggestions for Cultivating Peace . . . . . . . . . . . 15
America, Leader for World Peace . .  . . . . . . . . . 28 [page 7]

Horrors of War

"Fight! fight! For what? Why, don't you understand
What war is? For a port to export prunes,
For Christ, my boy, and for the Fatherland."
-- Alfred Noyes.

"THE sword, after all, is but a hideous flash in the darkness." -- VICTOR HUGO.

"WAR, the foulest stain that now disgraces our civilization." -- ANDREW CARNEGIE.

"War is hell." -- WILLIAM T. SHERMAN.

"War is inefficient towards redressing wrongs, and multiplies instead of indemnifies losses." -- MADISON.

"First came the missionaries, then the consuls, and after that the armies," said King Theodore, of Abyssinia, to a French [traveler], as the explanation of his abhorrence of explorers and missionaries." -- REV. DR. MCMURDY.

"Will nations never devise a more rational umpire of difference than force?" -- JEFFERSON.

"The [sepulcher] of Christ is not in Palestine. He rose from that burial place more than 1800 years ago. He is crucified wherever His brethren are slain without pity." -- OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES.

"War is never a solution; it is an aggravation." -- DISRAELI.

"War on a great scale today implies such gigantic economic disaster as means national ruin for both combatants and loss to all the world. Dead men and beggars are poor customers. England spent ten times as much in killing less than four thousand Boers in battle as the United States spent during the American Revolution. Future war between equal forces will bankrupt both, under modern conditions, and decide nothing." -- JEAN DE BLOCH.

"The present world war, the greatest and most devastating conflict in human history." -- DR. JOHN MEZ. [page 8]

"When we stop to bury our heroic dead with acclamations of praise, beside his dinted shield lies the broken sword of his heroic foeman, and when we stoop yet closer to look into their still white faces, the dead foeman is his brother. That is our sorrow." -- ROBERT BURDETTE.

"Total military expenditures for the first year of the war will be $10,000,000,000 for the Allies and $7,400,000,000 for Germany, Austria and Turkey -- an average of $1,440,000,000 a month, $48,400,000 a day, $2,000,000 an hour." -- Estimate of CAPTAIN [EDMOND] THÉRY, French Economist.

"Always war devours the best." -- SCHILLER.

"One half the coined money of the world spent each year on wars and war's accessories." -- [JORDAN] (1913).

"Mown down! Mown down! Mown down! Mown down!
They staggered in sheets of fire,
They reeled like ships in a sudden blast
And shreds of flesh went spattering past,
And the hoarse bugles laughed on high,
Like fiends from hell -- Retire.
"The tall young men, the tall young men,
That were so fain to die,
It was not theirs to question,
It was not theirs to reply.
"Headlong, headlong, down the hill,
They leaped across the dead,
Like madmen, wrapped in sheets of flame,
Yelling, out of their hell they came,
And in among their plunging hordes
The shrapnel burst and spread.
"The shrapnel severed the leaping limbs
And shrieked above their flight.
They rolled and plunged and writhed like snakes
In the red hell-brooks and blackthorn brakes,
Their mangled bodies tumbled like elves
In a wild Walpurgis night."
-- Alfred Noyes.

"The savage practice of men killing each other like wild beasts." -- CARNEGIE.

"It will take long periods of peace and plenty before France can recover the tall statures mowed down in the wars of the Republic and the First Empire." -- LEGOYT.

"All war is bad, some only worse than others." -- FRANKLIN.

"A boy can stop a bullet as well as a man." -- NAPOLEON.

"By sacrifice of their best or the emigration of the best, and by such influences alone, have races fallen from first-rate to second-rate in the march of history. So fell Greece and Rome, Carthage and Egypt, the Arabs and the Moors, because, their warriors dying, the nation bred real men no more." -- JORDAN. [page 9]

"War takes no evil man by choice, but good men always." -- SOPHOCLES.

"Every one knows and cannot help knowing that, above all, wars, calling forth the lowest animal passions, deprave and brutalize men. During the past century (1905) wars have destroyed 14,000,000 men." -- [TOLSTOY].

"War -- infinitely lower than murder." -- DR. FRANK CRANE.

"But no refinements or ameliorations will remove the primal outrages of war and make it other than what the great general said it was -- 'Hell' -- deep-dyed, devilish, damnable in its methods, and in its effects." -- [JENKIN] LLOYD JONES.

"War -- the trade of barbarians, and the art of bringing the greatest physical force to bear on a single point." -- NAPOLEON.

"War has no pity." -- SCHILLER.

"Think of those miles and miles of trenches where organized, deliberate murder is being done even now as we speak, and continuously by day and night; think of those battle fields sodden with the blood of our human fellow beings; not only piled with dead, as the newspapers describe it, but piled with shrieking, writhing, agonized manhood; think of those shelterless and fugitive women, bearing in their violated bodies the unborn children of the next generation; think of those mothers stifling the wailing of their children in their arms, hiding in the woods and ditches of those desolated villages; think of those trains bearing back to their homes the dead to be burned upon the refuse heaps; think of those things, and then say whether this iniquity is to be tolerated any longer." -- MRS. PETHICK LAWRENCE of London, addressing the Organization Conference of The Woman's Peace Party.

"In the old warfare a man was either stabbed, shot, or thrust through after an hour or so of excitement, and all the wounded on the field were either comfortably murdered or attended to before the dawn of the next day.

But in this war the wounds have been often of an inconceivable horribleness, and the fate of the wounded has been more frightful than was ever the plight of wounded in the hands of victorious savages. For days multitudes of men have been left mangled, half buried in weeds and filth, or soaked with water, or frozen, crying, raving between the contending trenches. The number of men that the war without actual physical wounds, has shattered, mentally, and driven insane because of its noise, its stresses, its strange unnaturalness, is enormous. Almost all this enhanced terribleness of man is due to the novel machinery of destruction that science has rendered possible. You cannot open a paper of any date since the war began without reading of men burned, scalded, and drowned by the bursting of torpedoes from submarines; of men falling out of the sky from shattered [airplanes]; of women and children in Antwerp or Paris mutilated [page 10] frightfully or torn to ribbons by aerial bombs; of men smashed and buried alive by shells." -- H. G. WELLS.

"That original sin of nations -- the greed of territorial aggrandizement." -- GLADSTONE.

"I am War. The upturned eyeballs of piled dead men greet my eye,
And the songs of mothers perish -- and I laugh to see them die --
Mine the demon lust for torture, mine the devil lust for pain,
And there is to me no beauty like the pale brows of the slain!
Pagan, heathen, and inhuman, [devilish] as the heart of hell,
Wild as chaos, strong for ruin, clothed in hate unspeakable.
So they call me -- and I care not -- still I work my waste afar.
Heeding not your weeping mothers and your widows, I am War."
-- Sam Walter Foss.
"She is old and bent, and wrinkled,
In her rocker in the sun,
And the thick, gray woolen stocking
That she knits is never done.
She will ask the news of battle
If you pass her when you will,
For to her the boys are marching,
Marching still.
"Seven tall sons about her growing
cheered the widowed mother's soul;
One by one they kissed and left her
When the drums began to roll.
They are buried in the trenches,
They are bleaching on the hill;
But to her the boys are marching,
Marching still.
"She was knitting in the corner
When the fatal news was read,
How the last and youngest perished,
And the letter ending, said:
'I am writing on my knapsack
By the road, with borrowed quill,
For the Union Army's marching,
Marching still.'
"Reason sank and died within her
Like a flame for want of air;
So she knits the woolen stockings
For the soldier lads to wear.
Waiting till the war is ended
For her sons to cross the sill,
For she thinks they all are marching,
Marching still."
-- [Minna] Irving.

"Your Waterloo and battles of the Nile and Baltic -- what are they, in sober fact, but gladiatorial murder games on a great scale -- human imitations of bull fights, at which Satan sits as grand alguazil and master of ceremonies?" -- WHITTIER. [page 11]

"If you imagined all the people of New York State deprived of everything they owned, left a prey to starvation and disease, and hopelessly crushed under the iron heels of contending armies, you might form a slight idea of what the Poles are enduring at present.

"I cannot play while men, women and children are suffering and the world is aflame." -- PADEREWSKI, reaching America, May, 1915, for money for Poland.

"Women and babes, old and sick -- ponder this vast host, voiceless, suffering, dying, crouching beside their blackened ruins or fleeing from the devastated areas both east and west." -- EMILY HOBHOUSE, London.

"America alone spends $800,000 per day on the army and navy.
"Most of our national debts are caused by war, and there is not enough gold in the world to pay two per cent of the public debts -- which the working men carry on their shoulders. Since authentic history began, more than 15,000,000,000 lives have been lost through war." -- CORA [MEL] PATTEN and ELMA [C]. EHRLICH.
"Singer, why are you white and sad,
And staring through the stars?"
"The friend and brother I once had
Is fallen in the Wars."
"Was he at Mons, or by the Aisne,
Or near the Flanders shore?"
"Also at Rheims, and in Lorraine,
And many places more."
"Had he no children, fair of limb?"
"Yes, he had many sons,
But most are fallen there with him,
Before the monstrous guns."
"And were the daughters of his heart
Crushed also to the sod?"
"The nun who saw their lot and part
Died maniac, cursing God."
"His wife?" "The woman lives, yet dies
Daily, and with the grace
Men say befits her sacrifice,
As it befits her race."
"What was her race, and your friend's rank?
Was he of the first line?
And was he Briton, Russ or Frank,
Or from beside the Rhine?"
"Ah, many thousand times untold
My friend was each of these,
And went from mart or forge or fold,
To drown in red, red seas!"
-- Adeline Adams. [page 12]
Danger in
Armed Peace

"FOR HALF a year the greatest calamity in history has run its unchecked course. Half a million human lives already wiped out, two and a quarter million men wounded or diseased, military costs aggregating seven billion dollars and commercial losses of twelve billion dollars -- this, at a conservative estimate, is the result of four decades of armed peace, of military 'preparedness' -- not to speak of the unfortunate non-combatants, the widows and orphans, the aged and infirm; nor the hunger, disease, privation and suffering of millions of innocents not even in the war zone." -- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EMERGENCY PEACE FEDERATION, JANE ADDAMS, Chairman (1915).

"Of all the mad follies of war, the notion that more warriors and more deadly weapons will make for peace is quite the maddest." -- [MACDONALD].

"The increased cost, not only of war, but of standing armies and navies, is compelling taxpayers to rebel at seeing their hard-earned money thrown away." -- LUCIA AMES MEAD.

"A 'nation in arms' is a menace to itself and its neighbors. The reduction of armament and the abatement of armed peace must come in some fashion." -- JORDAN.

"Certainly no theory could be devised which is more cumbersome, more roundabout, more extravagant, than the reductio ad absurdum of the peace-secured-by-the-preparation-for-war theory." -- JANE ADDAMS.

"Three-fourths of the teachers of the United States are women -- average salary, $270.00 -- about one-half that of a garbage hauler or street sweeper. America spends $8,000,000 a month upon its navy. Armed peace is the chief cause of poverty in Christendom." -- LUCIA AMES MEAD. [page 13]

" 'To safeguard peace, we must prepare for war!'
("I know that maxim. It was forged in Hell." -- ZANGWILL.)

"The precipice toward which we approach is already becoming apparent to us, and the most simple, non-philosophizing and uneducated men cannot but see that, by arming one's self more and more against each other in war, we, like spiders in a jar, can come to nothing else but the destruction of each other." --[TOLSTOY].

"God deliver Europe from another armed truce." -- JAMES BRYCE.

"The deepest cause of the war has been the faith that mighty armaments alone could avert war, that the billions, not millions, which the military powers of Europe have spent in the last thirty years were the premium which these nations were paying for the insurance against war." -- DR. STEPHEN S. WISE, Rabbi of the Free Synagogue, New York City.

"Yes, in God's name let there be peace -- but not the peace maintained by mighty armies; as long as the nations beggar their people to feed and clothe and arm men trained to do murder, just so long will a long peace be as costly and oppressive as a short war.

"Are you giving your time and energy to the desperate struggle against alcohol, the social evil, preventing disease, vice and destitution, and are you sometimes discouraged by the indifference of men? The preparation for war and the preoccupation of the minds of men with the artificial enemies which false ideas have created, leaves no time or energy for the struggle against the real enemies of the human race." -- GEORGE W. NASMYTH.

"Peace with a cudgel in hand is war." -- PORTUGUESE PROVERB.

[image][page 14]

Peace Prophecies

"THE PRINCE or statesman is perhaps already alive who is to bring to perfection the exploit which will live in all future history as the most glorious and most enlightened of all exploits, that which will carry universal disarmament." -- BARONESS VON SUTTNER in "Lay Down Your Arms."

"O'er the carnage rose a prophetic voice
(Were you looking to be held together by lawyers? or by an agreement on paper? or arms? Nay! Nor the world nor any living thing will so cohere.)
Be not disheartened. Affection shall solve the problems of Freedom yet."


"Neither roaring ocean nor soaring mountains can bar the way to final brotherhood, globe-encircling."


"The day is at hand when the public opinion of the civilized world will declare, through a league of the World's Parliaments, that the peaceful industries of the peaceful nations must not be disturbed by the war programs of those who will not keep the peace. The ministers and schools of this republic (America) and the programs of progress in all the States, would feel a new tide of life and power if the $238,000,000 spent last year for war preparations were made available for peace projects. What Lloyd George so sternly told the churchmen of England needs to be told in America, in Germany, in France, in Japan. I tell these stern words to you, for your nations and for the honor of [page 15] your flags. Hear them: 'The stain on your national flag is as deep if that flag floats over slum-bred children and over ill-paid, ill-fed, ill-housed men and women, as if it were to droop in defeat on the field of war.' " -- JAMES ALEXANDER [MACDONALD], Editor Toronto Globe, and the strongest living link between Canada and the United States, addressing World's Christian Citizenship Convention, Portland, Oregon, 1913.


"It may be wise to point out how much more likely a world congress is to effect a satisfactory settlement at the end of this war than a congress confined to the belligerents." -- H. G. WELLS.

"Immanuel [Kant], recognized as the world's greatest philosopher since Plato and Aristotle, prophesied 'A State of Nations' -- [Kant] first showed the world the way to universal peace." -- HAMILTON HOLT.

"There will be a United States of the World, and Germany will no more think of fighting England than Massachusetts of fighting New York." -- A. H. BRADFORD, D.D., in University Record.

"The war system of Europe must go, in Great Britain and Russia as well as Germany. It must give way to some form of a Congress of People to replace the discredited concert of powers." -- JORDAN.


"When the Titanic was sinking the law of the sea -- 'women and children first' -- in time of calamity, thrilled the heart of the world; and 'women and children first' shall yet become the law of the land in relation to the women and children, in days of prosperity. The Christ who has said to the selfishness of man at sea, 'Peace, be still,' shall somehow yet command peace throughout the borders of all land areas and fill the hunger of humanity with the finest of the wheat." -- WALTER LAIDLAW, Ex-Secretary, Federation of Churches and Christian Organizations, New York.


"East is East and West is West. God forbid that it should be otherwise -- but the twain must meet in amity, peace and understanding. Their meeting will be all the more fruitful because of their differences; it must lead both to holy wedlock before the common altar of humanity." -- [RABINDRANATH] TAGORE, India's great poet.


"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." -- ISAIAH. [page 16]


"If toward the end of the century (the nineteenth) a head of a state should have appeared in Europe, carrying in his hands these two benefits: the suppression of military expenses and the amphictyonic organization of Europe, this man would gain such a force over hearts and consciences that he would secure the absolute power over Europe." -- NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, St. Helena. (Very end of his life.)

"War will eliminate itself. By the next centennial, arbitration will rule the world." -- SHERIDAN.


"Over the din of battle,
Over the cannon's rattle,
Over the strident voices of men and their dying groans
I hear the falling of thrones.
"Out of the wild disorder
That spreads from border to border
I see a new world rising from ashes of ancient towns;
And the rulers wear no crowns."
-- Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

"When the church discovers the Sermon on the Mount there will be great things happening in the world -- the angels will sing again over its hills and fields. The church must hurry, though; otherwise Count [Tolstoy], or the trades unions, or the Socialists will find it first." -- DR. FREDERICK LYNCH.

"United States spending annually $282,147,000 for needless battleships and munitions for future wars, evidently believes the best way to keep peace is to put a great bull-dog in the front yard. Soon she will see that battleships breed animosities, while friendliness toward other nations breeds peace, and will appropriate large sums to bring guests from other parliaments to be the guests of our Congress. This will bring international peace at about two one-thousandths of the present cost." -- DR. FREDERICK LYNCH, Secretary Church Peace Union.

"A day will come when a cannon ball will be exhibited in public museums, just as an instrument of torture is now, and people will be amazed that such a thing could ever have been. A day will come when these two immense groups, the United States of America and the United States of Europe, will be seen placed in the presence of each other, extending the hand of fellowship across the ocean, exchanging their produce, their industries, their arts, their genius, clearing the earth, peopling the desert, improving creation under the eye of the Creator, and uniting for the good of all, these two irresistible and infinite powers, the fraternity of men and the power of God." -- VICTOR HUGO. [page 17]

Suggestions for
Cultivating Peace

Penn's Famous Treaty with the Indians

Under a Large Elm Tree Near Philadelphia

"WE MEET," said Penn, "on the broad pathway of good faith and good will; no advantage shall be taken on either side, but all shall be openness and love. The friendship between you and me, I will not compare to a chain; for that the rains might rust or the falling tree might break. We are the same as if one man's body were to be divided into ten parts; we are all one flesh and blood."

"We will live in love with William Penn and his children, as long as the sun and moon shall shine." -- INDIANS.

"It was the only treaty never sworn to and the only one never broken. On every hand Indians waged relentless wars with the colonies, but they never shed a drop of Quaker blood." -- BARNES.


"I am very hopeful we will wait until this war is over before starting a building program for an additional navy. I am sure the people and nations now at war will all have enough of war by that time, and they will be glad for a rest and a wait, too. Let us wait for several  years and see what should be done." -- ANDREW CARNEGIE, 1915. [page 18]


"Should it not be the purpose of the Twentieth Century Teacher to develop a civic intelligence regarding present day problems -- a gradually developing social consciousness, which will terminate, it is hoped, in universal brotherhood?" -- FANNIE FERN ANDREWS.


"We must embark upon a campaign of education which shall reach every hamlet and village, which shall make every man and woman think upon this commanding problem. We must organize public opinion, first of all, to think internationally, and then to think pacifically." -- LOUIS P. LOCHNER.


"Above all nations is Humanity." -- COSMOPOLITAN CLUB MOTTO (H. GOLDWIN SMITH).

"Mankind, wherever he is found, possesses the same fundamental traits and the same innate capabilities." -- PROF. GEO. A. DORSEY.

"God hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell upon the face of the Earth." -- BIBLE.

"All men are created equal." -- U.S. CONSTITUTION.

"The world today is conscious of a great hunger -- the hunger for justice, for brotherhood." -- SAMUEL ZANE BATTEN.

"You must recognize that, great as the Stars and Stripes are, there is something greater -- the World." -- FRANK CRANE.

"That man's the best cosmopolite who loves his native country best."

"He loves his native country best who loves mankind the most."


"Love of countrymen, love of poor miners and poor lumber-jacks and poor stokers and poor shirt-makers and poor printers and poor toilers of every sort, as well as love for the great middle classes, and love for those who walk in the high places of society -- until patriotism becomes big enough and divine enough to take all these up into its heart, it is narrow and provincial, a cramped and stunted thing, very largely a misnomer. Some day we shall have a world patriotism. Love of country will broaden away into love for humanity. Then will Tennyson's vision be realized and:

" 'The war drum beat no longer and the battle flag be furled,
In the Parliament of men, the Federation of the world.'

"In that day there will be no unholy alien land laws, no wicked race discrimination, no exclusion of any of God's children from any part of the world which God has made." -- REV. ROBERT F. COYLE, D.D. [page 19]

"Why not a World's Christian Hague? Not upon racial conditions, not upon alcoholics, or eugenics or linguistics only, but upon the broad and many-sided interests of Christian citizenship. The time has come when any such movement that is only national and not universal is really only provincial. Our neighbor is our brother across the sea, as well as our brother across the street. The world is a great joint-stock concern and our partnership is of God." -- REV. HENRY C. MINTON, D.D., President National Reform Association.

"No nation any more can live to itself; it is a member of a world neighborhood." -- [MACDONALD].

"Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet
Till earth and sky stand presently at God's great judgment seat.
But there is neither East nor West, border nor breed nor birth,
When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth."
-- Kipling.


"The kingship of Jesus, the coronation of the Crucified, in the very midst of all our culture and commerce, of all our systems and philanthropies, of all our engines and telegraphs, giving him his rights -- making Him supreme in all and over all -- this and this alone will solve all our problems, sweep away all our abominations, overturn all the strongholds of the devil, and establish peace and good will in all the relations of life." -- ROBERT F. COYLE, D.D.

"The Prince of Peace will teach us how we may help bring to a speedy end the deplorable, devastating European war." -- ANNA A. GORDON, President Woman's Christian Temperance Union.


"We preachers have not done much, but we must do something. We can denounce the present system of maintaining great engines of war. We can insist that our diplomats be men of peace. We can insist that our Government work for peace. We ought to make the idea of war inconceivable." -- REV. CHAS. E. JEFFERSON, D.D.

"I have come to instruct you, and speak to you of the prayer. Powder I have not; we come to spread peace through the land, and I do not wish to see you at war with the [Miami]." -- FATHER JAMES MARQUETTE, to the Illinois Indians, as they asked him, when dying, for powder and guns.

"It is high time for the Christian church to awaken to a full sense of its awful responsibility. If, after the dreadful experience of 1,800 years, it fails to perceive the necessity of steering itself clear of the barbarism of war, it has small claim upon the world's respect and confidence." -- WHITTIER. [page 20]


"By waging a constant propaganda telling of the good things of the other races and nationalities, by fixing the gaze upon the great constructive work of fusing the races together, by summoning the future heads of the nations to undertake important tasks together, the movement is drawing together the nations and the races." -- JOHN R. MOTT, President (referring to the World's Student Christian Federation).


"Observe good faith and justice among all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all." -- WASHINGTON.


"It is suggested that colleges introduce into their curricula a course on International Conciliation -- not a propaganda, but a free and fair study of all the facts that have to do with peace, war and militarism. A course based on this principle has been offered for three years in Stanford University and, it is believed, with real success." -- PROF. EDWARD [KREHBIEL], Professor Modern European History, Stanford, 1913.


"The demand of the hour is that in all relations with the Orient we show our best side, and exemplify high moral principles." -- REV. R. B. PERRY.


"We people of the Far East owe you a great debt of gratitude for your science, inventions, art, and the gospel of Jesus; and as in gratitude bound, we will do our best to prove our gratitude. But you Christian men should see to it that the rough elements in your country do not pull down the monument which you as Christians have built in the Far East. You will have to use your energy more than ever in the way of cultivating friendship with the 400,000,000 rising Chinese, the 60,000,000 patriotic and ambitious Japanese, and the 12,000,000 of the generous but oppressed Koreans. If you continue to do good to them, you may rest assured that the time will come for the Far East to pay back what you have lent them, and more." -- PYONG K. YOON, accompanied PRINCE YI, the Korean delegate to the doors of the Hague Conference, from which the Prince was turned back.


"Manhattan Day -- Columbian Exposition -- Chicago, 1893. Procession of floats led by one which represented the Bartholdi statue in New York Harbor of Liberty enlightening the world, [surrounded] by figures of all races and nationalities, while over their heads hung the national flags of their respective countries." [page 21]


"It is proposed to abolish all private manufacture of arms, the nations taking over all plants by which nations are armed. Further, all sale of arms from one nation to another, as well as all war loans, should be likewise made impossible." -- JORDAN.


"The spirit of Christ sent abroad will lift the scourge from the lands." JUDGE T. J. CLEETON.


"The cross in the coat of arms of the Swiss Republic which has been in existence these 623 years today has become the emblem of peace. The Swiss Constitution of 1848 was a conscious imitation of the Constitution of 1789, with the difference, however, that in Switzerland a deviation was made in the mode of selecting the president. Switzerland, with a population less numerous than that of the City of New York, has a general trade exceeding the commerce of Spain or of the Japanese Empire. The middle class element is predominant. Concerning the general education and public enlightenment, Switzerland occupies a place in continental Europe similar to that of the United States in the Western Hemisphere. Switzerland was the first country to open the doors of her universities to women, so that now more than 25 per cent of all the students at one of the universities are women, nine-tenths of them foreigners, mostly Russians. Switzerland possesses no coasts, no ports, no fleet, no colonies, nor a standing army. We merely maintain a militia for the sole purpose of defending our neutrality if necessary. The funds appropriated for educational pursuits are twice as large as those for military purposes. Yet the Swiss militia has been lauded by the German Emperor, who attended our maneuvers in 1912. All this argues for peace. But in spite of all efforts, visible results are still very few. Even a nation like China, which has been living for centuries in profound and apparently undisturbed peace, has been contaminated by militarism as soon as she came in close contact with western nations. Would it not seem necessary, to secure a harvest, to plant the seeds of peace a little deeper? Would it not be desirable to [instill] the high ideas of peace into the juvenile mind, beginning with the nursery and the school-room, in order to make this great principle powerful among the masses? In every Swiss class-room there may be found a reproduction of a well-known patriotic Swiss monument. It does not glorify one of our numerous victorious battles. It represents a single individual. Not a hero clad in armor, but the modest educator and philanthropist -- Pestalozzi -- gathering about him and protecting in time of [page 22] war the little orphans. With Pestalozzi's picture, Pestalozzi's spirit enters into the school-room, too. Could not a similar result be achieved with the idea of peace? Let me express the hope that the magnificent motto of the Swiss Confederation, 'One for all, all for one,' may, perhaps, some day become the general principle of all nations of the world." -- His Excellency, DR. RITTER, Diplomatic Representative from [Switzerland] to the U.S., 1914, addressing, that year, Lake Mohawk International Arbitration Conference, Albert Smiley, President.


"Nation must vie with nation in bringing about international peace." BISHOP FALLOWS.

"My first wish is -- although it is against the profession of arms, and would clip the wings of some of your young soldiers, who are soaring after glory -- to see the whole world in peace and the inhabitants of it as one band of brothers, striving who should contribute most to the happiness of mankind." -- GEORGE WASHINGTON.


"With malice toward none and charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphans, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." -- ABRAHAM LINCOLN.


"Last spring (1913), when telegrams to Japan told of the thirty-four anti-Japanese bills introduced into the California Legislature, and when alleged telegrams from Japan told of mobs demanding war with America, even though there were none, Count Okuma called a meeting of editors, educators, statesmen and Christian pastors to consider the California question. 'This problem,' he declared, 'cannot be solved by diplomacy, nor by legislation, nor by war, least of all by the talk of war; that is the very worst thing. There is only one possible solution. We must appeal to the Christians of America to see that their Christian principles of universal human brotherhood are enacted into life and law.' "


"The world little understands how the friendship of Japan and China have been won. Not by the visits of great battleships nor by the displays of power, but by good neighborliness and unselfish help has this been done thus far. One thousand missionaries [page 23] in Japan and 4,500 in China, living lives of disinterested good will, have been mighty constructive factors in calling forth Asia's respect for America and her trust in the white man. The Asiatic is indeed our equal. I would just as soon sit at the feet of competent Japanese professors as I would at the feet of professors of German or American extraction. We are discovering that Asiatics are as brainy as we are, and that they produce men of splendid character. But it is a question today whether and how far our churches are willing to accept the fact that men of other races and colors, and even with almond eyes, are our equals. This is a new testing time for the churches and also a time of rare opportunity. The church has already played a mighty role in the awakening of Asia. Let it now press forward to complete the work so well begun. For the Christian church possesses the only real solution of the ancient problem of mankind, the problem of the races." -- REV. SIDNEY L. GULICK, Professor of Theology at the [Doshisha] University in Kyoto, Japan, and Stated Lecturer to the Imperial University.

"These foreign missions have been the great shuttle weaving the fabric of human brotherhood." -- DR. FRANK CRANE.

"No man ever lived who was more socially democratic than Jesus." -- DR. CHARLES [M]. SHELDON.

"How I wish the nations of the world might be to one another what we students are! It would mean much for the brotherhood of man and 'Peace on Earth.' " -- WM. W. [WELSH], President Cosmopolitan Club, Ann Arbor University, 1913. (The club consisted of fifty students representing eighteen or more countries.)


"Poets have made more wars than kings, and war will not cease until they remove its [glamor] from the imagination of men." -- HARRIET MONROE.


"The most hindrance to unity of the world is prejudice. It is blind. It will not see that all men are made of one blood; that color is only skin deep; that social differences are due to environment rather than to creation; and the university and the pulpit must take the lead in destroying prejudice." -- A. H. BRADFORD, D.D.


"Equality, your first firm grounded stand;
Then free election, then your federal band;
This holy Triad should forever shine,
The great compendium of all rights divine,
Creed of all schools, whence youths by millions draw
Their themes of right, their decalogues of law."
-- Joel Barlow. [page 24]


"I, Freedom, abide with knowledge; I abide with men by culture trained and justified. Conscience my [scepter] is and law my sword." -- Lowell.


"Certainly the business men of this country are as much or more interested in the cause of peace than any other class of people, for they greatly suffer on account of wars. The Bulgarian war has thrown at least 100,000 men in this country out of employment. We suffered for fifteen years after our Civil War. Now we see that Russia, one of our great customers, is spending $500,000,000 a year in militarism; five or six hundred million is appropriated for building the new navy, while the people are, many of them, on the verge of starvation. If it were used in building roads and improving agricultural conditions in Siberia and elsewhere and for the benefit of the people, we could increase our trade. He (Lincoln) would have given his life to prevent the Civil War. My father was a class-mate of General Lee, my uncle his warm friend. With tears in his eyes he told my uncle how he hated to leave the flag of his country, but deemed that his first duty was to his state. He followed his duty, as he saw it, just as the people of the North followed theirs. I met President Grant and General Lee talking together at the White House, just as if they loved each other, about the progress of the country and what should be done to assist in reconstruction. Both of them hated war. Grant said he always preferred to arbitrate, if possible. The trouble with the South and the North was that the people did not know each other. We have no difficulty with Canada because the people intermingle and can shake hands across the border." -- A. B. FARQUHAR, Delegate, Chamber of Commerce of the United States and of the National Association of Manufacturers, and spokesman selected by delegates present here from more than forty Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade in leading cities of the United States and Canada, addressing Lake Mohawk Conference, 1914.


"As a clergyman I am sometimes told quite bluntly that the fighting instincts will not die. I accept the statement as being absolutely sound. The fighting instinct will not die and it ought not to die. Let the fighting go on, but let it be not the fight of the human against the human. Let it be a fight of the man against the beast, of the man against all that is hostile in his environment, against all that makes against his own progress and well-being. Let it be war to the knife against the common enemies of hunger and cold, of disease and of death. Let there be a stern conflict against vice and crime, and all injustice between man and man! Let there be a chivalrous crusade in behalf of the poor and blind and weak! We have enemies [page 25] enough to fight, God knows, but let them be the actual enemies of the race. Let the human battle against that which is inhuman and upon that warfare, waged not to destroy men's lives, but to save them, the blessing of high heaven will forever rest. We shall see, as the result of that warfare, a kingdom wherein men do not forever fight. We shall see the new internationalism coming with power and great glory." -- REV. CHAS. R. BROWN, D.D., Dean, Yale University School.


Nobel Prize, $40,000, left by the Swedish inventor, Alfred B. Nobel, to be given every year to the person who has done the most to promote peace. Baroness von Suttner influenced Mr. Nobel to offer this prize to the world.


"The most Christian thing the United States ever did, namely, to remit $14,000,000 indemnity which China owed, awaking in China such gratitude that she sent a special delegate of highest rank to personally thank our Government and has begun to send five hundred students a year to study in American universities on the income of this sum." -- FREDERICK LYNCH.


"However strange this may appear, the most effective and certain deliverance of men from all the calamities which they inflict upon themselves and from the most dreadful of all -- war -- is attainable, not by any general measures, but merely by that simple appeal to the consciousness of each separate man, which one thousand nine hundred years ago was proposed by Jesus -- that every man bethink himself, and ask himself who he is, why he lives, and what he should and should not do." -- [TOLSTOY].


"No democracy ever voted for war. If you would let the people alone, they would never go to war. I make bold to say that any nation which will try the religion of Jesus Christ will be the most surprised nation in the world. The nation that is impregnable is the nation that will not fight. Any nation which will step out and say 'We won't shoot, and we won't fight' will be impregnable. If Jesus Christ stood for anything in the world he stood for non-resistance." -- FRANK R. CRANE.

"I made up my mind, also, that in the end the world must come to respect the negro for just those virtues for which some people say he is despised, namely, because of his patience, his kindliness, his lack of resentment toward those who do him wrong and injustice." -- BOOKER T. WASHINGTON. [page 26]


"Next to Grotius' great book upon "The Rights of War and Peace," 250 years ago, "The Future of War" is destined more than any other work to revolutionize men's attitude toward war." -- LUCIA AMES MEAD. ("The Future of War" was written by Jean de Bloch, a Russian Jew, economist and banker.)


"And so, today, throughout the world, an increasing number, standing upon the heights, are coming to believe that God is not in the iron-clads that sway the ocean with their guns, that God is not in the armies that shake the earth with their tread, or in the fire of musketry, but in the still, small voice of justice that issues from tribunals like that instituted at The Hague. If you ask me if there is a doctrine that will bring peace in this country, I reply that it is the doctrine, 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,' and that that is the only peace-insuring doctrine." -- WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN.


"Jeremy Bentham, who said he believed that if any nation in his time (and that was written before 1789 -- even before the French Revolution) would incontinently cast aside all of its armaments, he believed the public opinion of the world would be sufficient to guarantee the safety of that nation." -- DENYS P. MYERS.

"Disarmament is the world's salvation." -- DR. JOSEPH SILVERMAN, Rabbi.


"Victor in the greatest war of modern times, he quickly signalized his aversion to war and his love for peace by an arbitration of internal disputes, which stands as the wisest, the most majestic example of its kind in the world's diplomacy." -- ROSCOE CONKLING, on General Grant.


"We might better turn New York City armories into gymnasiums and play buildings for our youth than for military training." -- REV. C. F. REISNER, D.D.


"United States and Canada for one hundred years have avoided all the waste and dangers of international armaments by a very simple agreement. This is the agreement made after the War of 1812, restricting the armaments of the United States and Canada on the Great Lakes to the insignificant little gunboats used for police duty. God grant that this experiment may be prophetic of what is coming to all the great nations of the world." -- REV. EDWARD CUMMINGS. [page 27]


"Take things always by their smooth handle. When angry count ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred." -- THOMAS JEFFERSON.

"Were half the power that fills the world with terror,
Were half the wealth bestowed in camps and courts,
Given to redeem the human mind from error,
There were no need of arsenals or forts."
-- Longfellow.

"Lift in Christ's name his cross against the sword." -- Whittier.


"Argentina and Chile were on the verge of war in 1901 -- over 80,000 acres of land, boundary line high up in the Andes. Preparations for war began between these two poor and over-burdened nations. Bishop [Benavente] suggested a statue of Christ be erected on the boundary line. Señora de Costa, President of the Christian Mothers' Association of Buenos [Aires], soon collected the necessary funds and the statue was erected section by section to music and dedicated to the peace of the world. It is 26 feet high, stands on a great globe of the world. A granite shaft holds the globe in the air. The Christ holds a cross in the left hand while the right hand is stretched out in blessing over the world. On the base is a bronze tablet with these words: 'Sooner shall these mountains crumble into dust than Argentines and Chileans break the peace to which they have pledged themselves at the feet of Christ the Redeemer.' "


"Is no nation ever to make a great adventure in behalf of world peace as many nations seem to be ready to hazard the adventure of world war? Our opposition to war must become real and final and inflexible. The time must come when men will have to choose between killing and being killed. No government could constrain me to slay my child. If my country should bid me to slay my brother beyond the national frontier, I should say, nay, though the government slay me. The time has come when men must choose that they be slain for refusing to slay another rather than go forth to slay their brother at the behest of any government." -- RABBI WISE.



"Ten minutes now I have been looking at this,
I have gone by here before and wondered about it.
This is a bronze memorial of a famous general
Riding horse back with a flag and a sword and a revolver on him,
I want to smash the whole thing into a pile of junk to be hauled
Away to the scrap yard:
I put it straight to you,
After the farmer, the miner, the shop-man, the factory hand, the
Foreman and the teamster, [page 28]
Have all been remembered with bronze memorials,
Shaping them on the job of getting all of us
Something to eat and something to wear,
When they stack a few silhouettes
Against the sky
Here in the park,
And show the real huskies that are doing the work of the world,
And feeding people instead of butchering them,
Then maybe I will stand here
And look easy at this general of the army holding a flag in the air
And riding like hell on horse back
Ready to kill anybody that gets in his way,
Ready to run the red blood and slush the bowels of men all over
The sweet new grass of the prairie."
-- Carl Sandburg.


"That wonderful element in human life which we term Mother." -- REV. PHILIP MATZINGER.

"Woman, the mother of the race, is the great sufferer, and because of that the women have a right to demand that in the councils of the nations, the mothers of men shall have a voice in regard to their lives and the lives of their children." -- DR. ANNA HOWARD SHAW.

"The awful conditions in Europe today have sharpened that new social consciousness of women to an eager demand on their part to be used in some new and mighty effort to make this war end war." -- DR. ANNA GARLIN SPENCER.


Two thousand years had passed since Christ was born,
When suddenly there rose a mighty host
Of women, sweeping to a central goal
As many rivers sweep on to the sea.
They came from mountains, valleys, and from coasts,
And from all lands, all nations, and all ranks,
Speaking all languages, but thinking one,
And that one language -- Peace.
"Listen," they said,
And straightaway was there silence on the Earth,
For men were dumb with wonder and surprise.
"Listen, O mighty masters of the world,
And hear the edict of all womanhood:
"Long we asked for peace,
And oft you promised -- but to fight again.
At last you told us, war must ever be
While men existed, laughing at our plea
For the disarmament of all mankind.
Then in our hearts flamed such a mad desire
For peace on Earth, as lights the world at times
With some great conflagration; and it spread
From distant land to land, from sea to sea.
Until all women thought as with one mind
And spoke as with one voice; and now behold!
The great crusading Syndicate of Peace, [page 29]
Filling all space with one supreme resolve,
Give us, O men, your word that war shall end;
Disarm the world, and we will give you sons --
Sons to construct, and daughters to adorn
A beautiful new earth, where there shall be
Fewer and finer people, opulence
And opportunity and peace for all.
We wait your answer."
And the world was still
While men considered.
-- Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

Influence all women's organizations everywhere to, if necessary, have called meetings for the speedy passing of resolutions similar to those passed by the Woman's Club of Louisville, Kentucky: "WHEREAS, Warfare is only mechanized murder * * * * and whereas, the time has come when the only solution of international difficulties should be the reasonableness of counsels, and whereas, past efforts toward international peace, however inglorious they seem today, have been rooted in a belief in human intelligence; and whereas, women are called upon to reassert this belief and start each generation onward toward a better humanity, be it resolved:

First, that the Woman's Club of Louisville, steadfastly favor the principle of inviolable world peace.

Secondly, that we heartily commend the purpose of the Woman's Peace Party, organized in Washington, D.C., January 10, 1915, in its effort to enlist the 'mother half of the world' in the interest of peace; to arouse the nations to respect the sacredness of human life, and to abolish war; to call a convention of neutral nations in the interest of early peace; to limit armaments and nationalize their manufacture; to substitute an international police for rival armies and navies; to organize opposition to militarism in our country; to educate youth in the ideals of peace; to seek to establish a concert of nations to supersede the balance of power.

Thirdly, that the Woman's Club become a group member of the Woman's Peace Party by payment of the fee of five dollars.

Fourthly, that the Woman's Club shall call a mass meeting of the women of the city at the Club house on May 12th, 1915, to turn the latent peace sentiment of the community into aggressive pacifism.

Fifthly, that a copy of these resolutions be sent at once to the National Secretary of the Woman's Peace Party, that our hearty endorsement of the movement may reach the band of disinterested and wise-hearted women, who, under the leadership of the President of the Woman's Peace Party, Jane Addams, are to sail in a few days for The Hague, there to inaugurate a conference, which by enlisting first the women and then the men of neutral and belligerent countries, in definite and immediate peace proposals, will hasten or at least facilitate the establishment of international harmony and the "Federation of the World." [page 30]

America Leader for World Peace



First Peace Society in the world was founded in New York by David Low Dodge and his associates, August, 1815.

Massachusetts Peace Society, which owed its initiation to Noah Webster, was organized in Dr. Channing's study, in Boston, Christmas week, 1815.

American Peace Society -- founded in 1828 -- with many active state branches. President, Senator Burton, Cincinnati, Ohio.

First International Peace Congress, held in London, 1843, was planned in Boston. Two hundred and ninety-four of the 337 delegates were from Great Britain, 37 from America and 6 from Continental Europe. [page 31]

First International Peace Congress discussed the proposition presented by Judge William Jay of New York, President American Peace Society, of an arbitration clause being embodied in all future commercial treaties between nations.

In all early International Congresses, a representative stood preeminently for the demand of a Congress of Nations which should develop and codify international law and create an international tribunal; during that decade that plan was known throughout Europe as "The American Plan."

Elihu Burritt, an American, was the chief inspiring and shaping force for the Brussels Congress in 1848.

Lake Mohawk, N.Y., Arbitration Conferences were founded by Mr. Albert K. Smiley, 1895, for the purpose of creating and directing public sentiment in favor of international arbitration and an international judicial system.

The Federal Council of Churches, consisting of representatives of all Protestant denominations, has a Peace Commission. This far-reaching work was launched through a gift of $5,000 from Mrs. Elmer Black, New York City.

Buffalo, in New York, is superbly organized and has become the model city of America in the organization of the churches for peace."

"Who made the first effectual appeal to the public at large? Reverend Noah Worcester, in 1814. Who founded the first Peace Society of modern times? Some Christians in New York City, in 1815. Who founded the American Peace Society in 1828? The eminent Christian, Rev. Wm. Ladd." -- REV. DR. MCMURDY, D.D., W.L.D.

"The United States led the world in organized work for peace. We established three Peace Societies in 1815, the first in the world. The International Peace Congresses had their inception in Boston. Here, too, were taken the first steps toward forming the International Law Association of 400 jurists -- one of the foremost agencies for the world's peace. Elihu Burritt, one-half century before the Czar's rescript, proposed a World Court." -- LUCIA MEAD.

Argentine Republic spent $12,000 to send a representative to attend the Cosmopolitan Convention of Students in America.

The Christian Students' Federation of the World, with 160,000 members and John R. Mott as leader, accomplishes things of tremendous import for world peace.

"Under her leadership, kingdom after kingdom was conquered until the whole world was encircled with the band of love and her white standard of peace was planted in every land." -- THE [PANDITA] RAMABAI, India, referring to Frances E. Willard. [page 32]

The [World] Woman's Christian Temperance Union, launched by Frances Willard, for many years has [pled] for world peace. -- MRS. HANNAH J. BAILEY, Peace Superintendent.

American School Peace League was organized, 1908, to promote through the schools and the educational public of America the interest of international justice and fraternity. May 18 is Peace Day in the public schools. Secretary, Mrs. Fannie Fern Andrews, 405 Marlborough St., Boston. There is now a British School Peace League.

"I appeal to the Endeavorers of the World in the crisis of the world's history to work and pray, not only for peace, but for the Christian fellowship on which alone a lasting peace can be built." -- DR. FRANCIS E. CLARK, to 4,000,000 young people in forty nations.

The World's Woman's Suffrage Association, President, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, and the National Woman's Suffrage Association, President, Dr. Anna Shaw, are in the thickest of the peaceful battle against war.

The General Federation of Women's Clubs, with 1,000,000 members, Mrs. Pennybacker, President, has established a special peace committee.

The Inter-Collegiate Peace Society of America has about eighty colleges competing for peace prizes. Dr. Thwing of Western Reserve University, President.

The International Bureau of Students [molds] sentiment for World Peace in the hearts of young men of power in the uttermost parts of the earth. George W. Nasmyth, Director; Wm. W. [Welsh], Secretary.

The Cosmopolitan Clubs in many American colleges and universities, embracing many nationalities, are doing a wonderful work for the friendship of nations.

America far exceeds all other countries in gifts for peace.

The World Peace Foundation was established in 1910 by a gift of $1,000,000 from Edwin Ginn, Boston, Mass. It received in 1914, $1,000,000 on the death of its founder.

Andrew Carnegie has established the Carnegie Peace Endowment with $10,000,000. His gift of $1,500,000 built the Peace Palace and International Library at The Hague. His gift of $2,000,000 in 1914 launched the mighty Church Peace Movement Union. [page 33]

Mr. Hamilton Holt was the first editor, Hon. Richard Bartholdt the first law-maker, and Capt. Hobson the first naval officer in the world to begin a determined campaign for the abolition of war by the creation of a perfect system of political machinery for the proper administration of justice among nations.


"But when the great war came, and the women of this country waited for the [pacifists] to move, and they heard nothing from them, they decided, all too late, to get together themselves and to try to do something at this eleventh hour." -- MRS. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT, World's Woman's Suffrage President, presiding over the Organization Conference of the Woman's Peace Party, Washington, D.C., January, 1915.

"January 10, 1915, 3,000 women formed the Woman's Peace Party -- first in the world -- at Washington, D.C. They adopted a platform, radical, sound, statesmanlike, constructive. John Ruskin said long ago that women could stop all wars, if only they were determined to do so. We rejoice that the voice of woman is to be heard against the 'greatest scourge of mankind,' for all wars are primarily waged on women and children." -- HAMILTON HOLT.

Jane Addams was elected President of the Woman's Peace Party.


International Peace Conference convened April 28 at The Hague -- "first gathering representative of nations both belligerent and neutral to raise its voice against war." Jane Addams was elected Chairman.


"The mission of America, which is to bring peace to all nations." -- DAVID BOSIO, Officer in Italian Army, 1913, and Waldensian Minister.


Columbia, Columbia, to glory arise,
The Queen of the World, and the child of the skies;
To thee, the last refuge of virtue designed,
Shall fly from all nations, the best of mankind.
As the day spring unbounded, thy splendor shall flow,
And earth's little kingdoms before thee shall bow;
While the ensigns of union in triumph unfurled,
Hush the tumult of war and give peace to the world.
-- Timothy Dwight.
Written during the author's service as an army chaplain, 1777-1778. [page 34]
"Thou who hast here in concord furled,
The war flags of a gathered world,
Beneath our Western skies [fulfill],
The Orients vision of good will,
And, freighted with Love's Golden Fleece,
Send back its Argonauts of Peace."
-- Whittier.
In Centennial poem, 1876.

"I believe that this nation could stand before the world today and tell the world that it did not believe in war, that it did not believe that it was the right way to settle disputes, that it had no disputes that it was not willing to submit to the judgment of the world. If this nation did that, it not only would not be attacked by any other nation on the Earth, but it would become the supreme power in the world. I believe that our nation can take a long step in advance now by announcing doctrines of this kind." -- WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN.

"It is for us to realize that inherent and permanent strength of the gift our fathers gave us, and for us to resolve that our freedom shall never give way to the rule of the sword." -- JORDAN.

"Why not choose a road on which it will be possible to be first? Why not head the procession of nations whose faces are toward the light? This is America's opportunity. Will she, by setting a daring example, arrest the growth of armaments throughout the world? The nation which does this is certain of an imperishable renown." -- CHARLES E. JEFFERSON, D.D.


"Today in the spirit of this meeting you have laid a foundation for a new Europe. You have set the greatest record for women ever set in the history of the world. You have always been a teacher to the women of Europe, and now you are teachers of the men. We European women think suffrage, when it comes, will end all wars." -- MME. SCHWIMMER of Austria, addressing the Woman's Peace Party in Washington.


" 'The final settlement of the war,' said a London publicist, lately, 'is the mighty duty of America; it is the greatest opportunity ever to be had in history.' " -- JORDAN.

"There has never been a time in the history of the world when it has been so worth while living as it is today. It is something to be in the vortex of the storm when it is at its height, and it is at its height today." -- REV. ROBERT WATSON, D.D., 1915. [page 35]

"The one Nation which can lead, whose duty it is to lead, unless she fails of her own high destiny, is the United States. She will have no competition in disarmament and leadership for world peace." -- REV. E. E. ROBB.

"Here is where America will fail or triumph. If the result of the great war is to send us flying to arms; if it convinces us that in order to hold our place in the sun, we must have soldiers and ships and all the bloody machinery of scientific slaughter, then we shall register one more failure in human endeavor, and by and by we shall be drawn into a greater and more destructive war. But if we ally ourselves with the spiritual realities, if we stand for democracy and international righteousness and duty, for human brotherhood and for the spiritual worth and equity of men, to us then will belong the deathless honor of deciding this vast issue, upon which mankind has staked its destinies." -- REV. CHARLES A. EATON.

"The notion that our honor can be vindicated by sheer military strength, that we can prove our honorability like the boy lieutenant of whom I have spoken, by being ready to cut somebody's head open, are obsolete notions that we should repudiate with indignation. To show Europe that the most powerful nation in the world, the one most able to embarrass and damage other nations, is precisely the nation that never does these things and is never likely to do them, is to make a very real and effective contribution to a better order of things, to do a great deal to undermine the present system." -- NORMAN ANGELL.

"It is therefore the high duty and privilege of the United States to rally the neutrals together and enlist them in the cause of peace. At all events the neutral nations have nothing to lose and everything to gain by organizing now for peace. Let the United States take the lead." -- HAMILTON HOLT, August, 1914.

"It is the duty of the United States to protect the commercial rights of her citizens, but it is also the duty of the United States to protect the civilization of the world." -- HAMILTON HOLT.


"Each State retains its identity, has its local laws and local governments, pursues its own ideals, and yet remains loyal to the whole, presenting in little, as it were, the plan for a World Federation, where civilization can progress unhampered. World brotherhood is but the expansion of American faith." -- FANNIE FERN ANDREWS, referring to the Union of our forty-eight States. [page 36]


"Roughly speaking, we are the only great nation at present disengaged. We are the mediating nation of the world. We are compounded of the nations of the world. We mediate their blood, we mediate their traditions, we mediate their sentiments, their tastes, their passions: we are ourselves compounded of those things. We are therefore able to understand all nations; we are able to understand them in the compound, not separately, as partisans, but unitedly as knowing and comprehending and embodying them all." -- PRESIDENT WILSON, February 27, 1915.

"The best hope for peace in Europe rests with the hyphenated Americans in this country. We have an opportunity to influence the masses in those countries indirectly through the millions of their co-nationalists in the United States." -- EDWARD A. FILENE, Vice-President International Congress of Chambers of Commerce in 1912.

"Never before in all the history was a neutral nation situated as is ours in this war, when all our people represent the blood of all the belligerents. Here in the United States we have Englishmen, Germans, Russians, Austrians, Hungarians, Frenchmen, Belgians, [Serbians] and Turks, living in amity and peace -- friends with one another, while across the Atlantic their brothers are cutting one another's throats. This casts upon the shoulders of America a responsibility such as no country was ever called upon to bear before." -- JOHN BROOKS LEAVITT.


"The only reason that the women of Europe are not demanding what we are demanding is that we are privileged to be American women, and I stand before you today privileged as an American woman, to say what I please; there is no power in the United States can stop me. I bring to you a plea from the women of Austria, from the women of Hungary, that we unite with them in an effort to stop this war, to end the needless suffering of women and children and non-combatants in the war zone. So you see that these foreign women look to us for help -- with broken hearts and bleeding bodies are looking to us American women, who are at the same time powerful and free to help them." -- MRS. KATE WALLER BARRETT, President National Council of Women, 1915, addressing [Woman's] Peace Party.


"America is the great laboratory of the world, where these problems which concern all peoples are farthest advanced and will soonest reach a crisis." -- JOSIAH STRONG. [page 37]


"Our nation is predestined by its geographical position and extent to be the peacemaker of the world; it ought to give all diligence to make its calling and election sure. God, in His geographic and historic providence, has thus set us apart that He may build up among the nations of the earth, one with a new spirit, and thus lead the world to peace. We may thwart His purposes by selfishness, narrowness, fear, and the wish to be like the armor-clad people across the water, but we cannot do this without basely trampling under our feet His clearly expressed intentions as to our destiny." -- BENJAMIN F. TRUEBLOOD.


"America must have the consciousness that on all sides it touches elbows and touches hearts with all nations of mankind. The example for America must be a special example, and must be an example not merely of peace, because it will not fight, but because peace is a healing and elevating influence of the world and strife is not. There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight. There is such a thing as being so right that it does not need to convince others by force that it is right." -- PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON, addressing 4,000 naturalized and 11,000 other persons in Philadelphia after the sinking of the Lusitania.


"I want to talk to you against the ungodly teaching that is being given to the new Chinese Republic by the nations of Europe. They are teaching China that might makes right; that we must have a strong army; that we must spend 80 per cent of our revenue (even though this may reduce the nation to poverty in other lines) to prepare an army, to resist the invasion of the Christian nations of Europe. We have men from the Christian parts of Europe teaching us how we may kill and be killed in the most approved and systematic manner and at the least expense, but, thank God, there is one nation whose dealing with us is the only redeeming feature in all our dealings with Christian nations, and that is the United States of America. She has been our kind teacher and our foster mother. May she continue to nourish us and may China grow under the care of fair Columbia, and never in the future do any act that will make the United States regret that she helped to lift up and educate China and bring it into the Congress of Nations. May the Star-Spangled Banner continue to wave over the land of noble women, the land of brave men and happy children to the end of days." -- [NG] POON [CHEW], 1913. In 1906 he became Advisor to the Chinese Consulate General, and managing editor of the first Chinese daily in America. [page 38]


"Carnegie Endowment for International Peace sent Charles [W]. [Eliot] to China and Japan. Already as a consequence of his visit to China, Professor Frank J. [Goodnow] of Columbia University is in residence at Peking as the legal adviser of the Government of the Republic of China in all matters relating to constitutional and administrative law. The helping hand of the endowment is in this way stretched one-half way around the world in order to assist in a constructive peace of nation building, and so to contribute to national stability and international peace." -- NICHOLAS M. BUTLER, Acting Director Carnegie Endowment, January, 1914.


"Our country has taken the lead among the nations in negotiating treaties of arbitration, and this activity has not abated even in the midst of the European war. Twenty-nine nations have signed Peace Commission Treaties with the United States while eight others have signified their willingness to sign similar treaties." -- FANNIE FERN ANDREWS.


"Though there is no peace on Earth now, the one great nation untouched by the ravages of war can celebrate Christmas most fitting by declaring its good will toward all men, irrespective of color, creed or nationality. America has cause to quarrel with no nation. America is secure, safe from attack, blessed abundantly with the yield of field or orchard. America may well approach the cradle of the Prince of Peace with head bowed in grateful humility, with rancor, bitterness and hatred toward no one, in His name bearing most generous [gifts] to those whose Christmas carol is a groan." -- SUNSET, December, 1914.


"There is only one power that stands up against this madness of war, and that is the power of public opinion, and public opinion in this, the greatest democracy of all the world. It has but to be fixed, educated, organized, and it can then be brought to bear upon the governments of all the world through your own government and through your representative, President Wilson, who will be called into the council of nations, and who has proved himself to be a man both of peace and of good will. The business of the democracy of America is to so organize public opinion that it may put the voice of the whole people behind President Wilson and strengthen his hands when he acts." -- MRS. [PETHICK]-LAWRENCE, London Peace Leader. [page 39]


Our rich, safe nation, without enemies except those we provoke, of all others, can best afford to lead the world toward this disarmament.


"To American Women, Friends of Humanity and Peace: Friends -- May I appeal to you in the name of humanity on behalf of the children of Europe? In you lies our hope of help for them, for you are free to speak and act." -- EMILY HOBHOUSE, London, December, 1914.

"The United States of Europe is a phrase naturally suggested by the United States of America. The latter enables the former to be at least thinkable." -- W.T. STEAD.

"America holds the future." -- [MATTHEW] ARNOLD.

"America is the land of the larger hope." -- LADY HENRY SOMERSET.

"America is destined to be what England is today, the chief steward in the household of the nations of the world, because her services will be the ablest and the best." -- GLADSTONE.

"America, God's last opportunity to the human race." -- EMERSON.

"In America is the hope of mankind -- the final victory for peace." -- BARONESS VON SUTTNER.

"Let Us Not Forget"

"It is ours to be either the grave in which the hopes of the world are to be entombed or the pillar of cloud that shall pilot the race to its millennial glory. Let us not forget our immortal trust." -- ALEXANDER HAMILTON.

"Lord God of Hosts,
Be with us yet,
Lest we forget,
Lest we forget."
-- Kipling.


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