Anna J. H. Pennybacker to Jane Addams, December 31, 1914


General Federation of Women's Clubs

December 31, 1914.

Miss Jane [Addams],
Hull House, [800] Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams: --

Both your letter and your telegram received. I want you to know that I feel deeply on this subject, but I confess that I am at a loss to know how we may wisely and efficiently act. I want the Federation to do its full part, but I dislike to see us go into futile action. I am hoping that the movement you suggest may be the solution to the question.

Will you not let me know just when the second meeting will take place, so I may try to make my plans to be present? In the meantime, I am writing Mrs. Blankenburg, urging her to join you in Washington. Don't hesitate to call on me for anything that I can do.

I shall appreciate your writing me fully as to the results of the meeting.

Most cordially yours,

Anna J. H. Pennybaker.

I'm also asking Mrs. [Ellen] Ripley, our Ch. of Ed. Asst. Sup't Public Schools, Boston, to attend. Please send her one of the call letters.