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United States Congress
Item Relations
Mentioned in (184)
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Edmund Von Mach to Jane Addams, February 14, 1921
Feeding Europe and Saving America, February 18, 1921 (excerpts)
Feed the World and Have a League of Nations, February 19, 1921 (excerpts)
Disarmament and Life, September 18, 1921
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, United States Section, Bulletin, October 1921
The Attack on War, September 18, 1921
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, October 13, 1921
Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, November 9, 1921
John Huston Finley to Jane Addams, November 17, 1921
Jane Addams to Wilbur Kelsey Thomas, December 2, 1921
Mary Eliza McDowell to Edward Scott Beck, December 22, 1921
The Threat of World Starvation, January 12, 1922
Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, January 26, 1922
Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, September 18, 1922
Kingsway Hall Address, January 2, 1923
Emily Green Balch to Jane Addams, September 1923
Grave Consequences, 1924
George Woodward Wickersham to Jane Addams, February 2, 1924
The Modern Social Problem, March 24, 1924 (excerpts)
Remarks at the Mount Vernon Place Methodist Episcopal Church, April 22, 1924
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom member to Jane Addams, April 24, 1924
Samuel Colcord to Jane Addams, May 10, 1924
Emily Greene Balch to Mrs. Stephenson, May 12, 1924
The Case for the Constitutional Amendment, ca. October 1924
Statement Regarding History of the Language of the Child Labor Amendment, ca. October 1924
Florence Kelley to Jane Addams, October 11, 1924
Cyrus E. Woods to Robert Elliot Speer, November 24, 1924
Sidney Lewis Gulick and George Woodward Wickersham to Jane Addams, March 21, 1925
Francis Marion Rice to Jane Addams, April 28, 1925
Reminiscence on Theodore Roosevelt, May 1925 (fragment)
Reminiscence about Theodore Roosevelt, May 18, 1925
Dorothy Detzer to Francis Marion Rice, May 29, 1925
Valentine Stuart McClatchy to Jane Addams, July 23, 1925
Madeleine Zabriskie Doty to Jane Addams, October 27, 1925
Recent Movements Towards World Peace, November 30, 1925 (excerpts)
Dorothy Detzer to Jane Addams, December 8, 1925
Draft of Address to the Chicago Woman's Club, February 15, 1926
Address to the Chicago Woman's Club, February 15, 1926
To Crusade Against Illiteracy, February 26, 1926
Referendum to the National Council of The National Economic League, ca. April 1926
How Much Social Work Can a Community Afford? May 26, 1926
How Much Social Work Can a Community Afford? May 26, 1926
How Much Social Work Can a Community Afford: From the Ethical Point of View, May 26, 1926
George Woodward Wickersham to Jane Addams, June 30, 1926
Martha Bensley Bruère to Jane Addams, December 21, 1926
The Spider Web, ca. January 1927
Louise de Koven Bowen to Charles Norman Fay, January 24, 1927
Intelligence Versus Pacifism and Subversivism, February 3, 1927
The United States and the Permanent Court of International Justice, April 1927
Social Consequences of the Immigration Law, May 1927
Browse all documents that mention "United States Congress"
Chiperfield, Burnett Mitchell (1870-1940)
Cummins, Albert Baird (1850-1926)
Hughes, William (1872-1918)
Wilson, William Bauchop (1862-1934)
Woodmansee, David DeMott (1859-1955)
Testimony Before the Committee on Military Affairs, House of Representatives, January 11, 1921
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