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  • Tags: Military

Also known as 1st Duke of Wellington


The authors report on a fact-finding trip organized by the Women's International League to report on condition in Ireland during its war of independence.

Swanwick drafts the resolutions to be presented to the Hague Women's Conference in December, seeking to revise treaties to insure international peace and cooperation.

Addams argues that women can organize to prevent wars.

Jacobs tells Addams of her illness and peace activities in Holland.

Hamilton urges Addams to ignore the militarists who are criticizing her.

Post mentions discussions of dissolving the Woman's Peace Party. Post explains her opposition to this idea. Post also briefly discusses her opinion of compulsory military training.

Post thanks Addams for including her name in a telegram to President Wilson and suggests asking him about the United States conducting a "police war", tasked only to protect goods and citizens.

Post suggests that the Woman's Peace Party Executive Board meeting be held in New York or Boston.

Thacher argues that Barrett's recent speech was unfair in his criticism of Addams and based upon a misinterpretation of a 1915 speech.

Jenkins asks Addams to oppose the distribution of anti-enlistment pledge cards at Woman's Peace Party meetings.

Gray objects to Addams' use of the word "cadet" in her McClure's Magazine article.

Augspurg and Heymann suggest the dismissal of volunteer militias, arguing that Germany should instead focus on education to restart its economy and culture.

Marcet explains the draft appeals made by her husband, Manuel, and the injustice she feels in the draft system.