Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, November 12, 1912


November 12, 1912

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:-

I am enclosing a page proof of our annual report, announcing the Survey Associates. It reaches us rather belatedly from the printer's, the matter having been held up in connection with the various steps toward incorporation. Will you wire us Wednesday afternoon if there are any serious changes you think should be made, getting them off to us on the Twentieth Century, if possible? I feel chagrined at getting such a document to you under such a rush request.

Mr. DeForest called a meeting of the incorporators and a first meeting of the Board yesterday. It was of course just a formal meeting to take legal steps, etc. At the time you and Prof. Taylor will be here, on the 21st, he is calling a meeting of the full publication committee with the editors, and dinner at the Aldine Association the evening of the 21st. We will, therefore, have our editorial meeting as a luncheon in honor of Mr. Devine, at noon on that day. I hope you can surely be here for both meetings.

I wired Prof. Taylor Saturday in regard to [this], suggesting that if time pressed, you might come on the Twentieth Century. We shall, of course, want to meet expenses.

Sincerely yours,

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