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  • Tags: Memberships
  • Item Type: Text

Yeomans writes for Jane Addams saying that Addams' sister had proposed her name to the Daughters of the American Revolution and paid dues, but that Addams is not interested in renewing her membership.
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Addams resigns from the Rockford College Board of Trustees due to a lack of time.

Table of contents and page with the membership of the Committees on immigrants, press and publicity, and state corresponding secretaries.

Darling writes Addams about the status of her membership in the American Association for Labor Legislation.

Osgood writes Addams about the status of Grace Darling's membership and reports on the effectiveness of the Illinois letter.

Letter welcoming people to join the American Association for Labor Legislation for a small fee.

Addams accepts the position of Vice President of the American Association for Labor Legislation.

Addams requests a membership in the National Council for Arbitration and Peace.

Myers invites Addams to join the Advisory Council of the Educational Aid Society.

Harrison sends Addams an annual report of the Russell Sage Foundation.

Addams accepts her reelection as a member of the Board of Managers for the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education.

Kellogg asks for Addams' signature on a petition in response to the Los Angeles Times bombing. A portion of the letter is missing.

Taylor asks Addams to be present at an upcoming meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Commons Association.

Addams asks Laidlaw to bring to the next meeting ideas for improving the nomination and election process for the National Woman Suffrage Association.

Addams writes Wald about her preference for Julia Lathrop to become the head of the United States Children's Bureau.

Addams invites members of the National American Woman Association to take a special train to Springfield to address the Illinois State Republican Convention.

Garland accepts Addams' resignation from the Board of Directors of the Chicago Theatre Society.

Kellogg writes DeForest about organizational changes and the addition of new members to board of The Survey.

Thomas apologizes to Addams about some confusion between Helen Johnson and herself within the National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Addams writes Robins about the abilities of Mary Wilmarth as a leader.

Tokaji informs Addams that the National Roosevelt Woman's League has made her an honorary vice president.

Wise consents that Addams will not serve in his commission, and asks her about her opinion between Adolph Lawisohn and Julius Rosenwald.

Addams shows the letter she received from Wise to Breckinridge and asks her opinion on the question Wise posed.

Addams writes a short note to Breckinridge clarifying that letters were sent out with full postage.

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