Herman Jerome Schwartz to Jane Addams, September 27, 1915

Nineteen Fifteen
Miss Jane Addams,
c/o Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My Dear Miss Addams: --

Noting that you are one of the staunch advocates of "Peace", the "Children's World Peace Movement" herewith extends to you the honor of becoming one of its "Honorary vice presidents" and we trust that you will accept same.

By way of explanation the "Children's World Peace Movement" was organized last spring for the purpose of educating and training the children to think along the lines of Peace.

We have adopted the following pledge which is accepted by all of the children of our Movement, as follows:

"I pledge myself
To add my [might] to world happiness
By using my best endeavor to spread Peace
At all times and in every place -- at home, at school,
at work, at play --
To be brave enough to stand the taunts of those
ignorant ones who declare that
'Might is Right' instead of 'Right is Might'.
I further pledge myself, not to quarrel; to have
no hatred in my heart; to be kind to animals; to
love nature and to live at 'Peace' with my
neighbor, myself and my Maker".

We have organized "Peace" chapters throughout the city and county of Denver and are now spreading the idea so that it will become nation-wide. [page 2]

Our Movement differs from the "American School Peace League" in that we aim to reach the children directly instead of through the teachers.

We have been successful in placing our Movement in the Public Schools of Denver and we are [cooperating] with the "Carnegie Peace Foundation" and the "American School Peace League" and many other "Peace organizations" throughout America. We are also [cooperating] with State Superintendent of Public instruction Mary C. C. Bradford. The Honorary presidency has been offered to the Hon. William Howard Taft. Some of our other Honorary Vice Presidents who have been invited to accept offices are as follows: Andrew Carnegie, [Nicholas] Murray Butler, David Starr Jordan, Elihu Root, Oscar S. Strauss, Henry Ford, Ella Flagg-Young, James Speyer, Edward H. Fallows, Fannie Fern Andrews, Adolph Kraus, Carlos M. Cole supt. of Denver Public Schools, Philander P. Claxton, Mary C. C. Bradford and Israel Cowen.

There are many minor matter of details which will be explained to you in literature which we are [about] to prepare as soon as our arrangements of Honorary Vice Presidents are completed and we will be pleased to send same to you.

Our Mr. Abraham B. Cowen of Denver Colorado, Chairman of the Executive Committee will call on you within the next few weeks and will explain to you in detail the work of the "Children's World Peace Movement". We will deem it an honor to have you join our Movement as one of its Honorary Vice Presidents and trust that Universal Peace and brotherhood will so be instilled in the minds of the generations to come that war will be an impossibility.

Very respectfully yours, [page 3]

Herman J Schwartz [signed]
Executive Secretary "Children's World Peace Movement".