6 results

  • Date is exactly "1915-09-27"

Schwimmer asks Addams to travel to Chicago for a meeting because Jacobs will not travel to Maine, where Addams is at this time.

Addams has been named an honorary vice president of the "Children's World Peace Movement."

Macmillan and Schwimmer are not sure how the committee can meet unless Addams travels to Chicago, especially since Jacobs must leave the country soon.

Hyers reacts to the news that Addams may travel to Chicago. Hyers has been handing out tickets for a large meeting and will keep Addams updated on the organization of it all.

Bradley asks Addams to speak on suffrage or peace for the Michigan's Equal Suffrage Association convention.

Addams cannot go to Chicago and asks Schwimmer to meet her in New York in October.