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  • Subject is exactly "memberships"

Detzer tells Balch that she is unsure of the best way to collect membership dues from lapsed members of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in the United States.

Addams sends Doty a budget and wishes her well in her new job in Geneva.

Addams asks Detzer to send out membership renewals to American members of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Addams discusses introducing the new member of the Women's International League.

Detzer suggests to Addams that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom should remind its members of their dues.

Affelder thanks McLennan for his donation to the Barnett Memorial Fellowship.

Glücklich updates Addams on the organization of the Women's International League of Peace and Freedom in Europe.

A membership card to join the Association with a donation in honor of a soldier lost in war.

Dulles asks Hudson to join the National Advisory Committee of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section.

Several lists of new members and payments for the American and International branches of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

A list of new members of the American and International branches of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Reconstruction magazine asks Addams to subscribe to its new journal on rebuilding Central and Eastern Europe.

Addams informs Balch of the lack of Indian representation in her Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Section and sends her Das's list of potential women to join.

A list of people invited to join the Committee on American and Japanese Relations.

Thomas discusses the formation of the Emergency Peace Committee and points discussed at the meeting.

Karsten offers to help Addams send Women's International League for Peace and Freedom membership letters and is pleased with the number of membership they are getting.

Also known as Membres du Comite Central pour le Reprise des Relations Internationales, July 10, 1919

List of members of the Central Committee for the Restoration of International Relations.

Addams expresses her belief that the Women's Peace Party could be the organization Marple is looking for and hopes she will contribute her fortune to the International Congress.

Addams expresses her regrets at the change in status of Andrews membership with the National Committee of Five. Addams also shares her hopes for Andrews' future involvement in the peace movement.

Karsten wishes Burch better health and invites her to attend an upcoming Executive Board meeting before she decides to resign.

Karsten responds to Withington and is especially curious about the conference she plans to attend in Stockholm.

Addams congratulates Andrews on her current work and hopes she will not leave the ICWPP.