Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, February 8, 1914


Feb'y 8" 1914


My dear Alice

Thank you very much for the agreement which came yesterday, I had meant the notes as well because I might as well begin [direct] with Mr Marvin, I think. He now seems very shadowy to me.

I am so sorry about your last attack, don't you think that you ought to come back to Cedarville for the rest of the winter? I could ↑come↓ out for you early in March and we could [page 2] ↑come↓ back together. I am sure you would have better care at Cedarville and why not keep a trained nurse in the house, who could be useful to both of you. It seems to me quite wrong not to face the situation that you need great care, and after all the bank is running well at Girard and must eventually go on without you. Why not face the situation and come to the place where you can have real care. I could come out very very often and we could [page 3] companionship from week to week. Please write me often, I will in New York this week, leaving Monday Feb'y 9th and coming back Sunday Feb'y 15th. I will be at the [Hotel] Belmont, 42d St & Park [Ave].

I will [certainly] see Marcet and you [may] be sure that I will be good to her all my life, it has been a matter so far of [us] having too many people & directing influences so [that] I have held off. 

Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

(over) [page 4]

I am sending you a set of prints from all of the Hull-House [plates] which we have just had made.

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