George Platt Brett Sr. to Jane Addams, December, 1, 1911


December 1/1911

Dear Miss Addams,

I should like very much to put out a cheap edition of your book on "The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets" to sell to the public at 50₵ and to be sold at low prices to the trade in wholesale quantities and possibly to sell in quantities for distribution as has been suggested a number of times. Will you very kindly authorize me to publish a cheap edition of the book, paying you 5₵ a copy on each copy of the book sold, the sales of the regular edition to be the same royalty as at present.

The publication of a cheap edition of the book does not, necessarily, interfere very seriously with the sale of the regular edition but rather tends to open up new fields for the distribution of the book and to bring it to the notice of a numerous class which could never afford it in its expensive form.

If you approve of the plan will you very kindly sign the enclosed authorization, returning it to me at your early convenience.

Yours very truly,

Miss Jane Addams.