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  • Creator is exactly "Brett, Sr., George Platt"

Brett asks Addams's permission to publish one of her books in a format more accessible to high school students.

Brett writes to Addams to explain his plans for preparing a smaller edition of Addams' autobiographical book, Twenty Years at Hull House.

The contract states the financial and publication terms of Jane Addams's Twenty Years at Hull House with the Macmillan Company.

A contract between The Macmillan Company and Jane Addams for publishing inexpensive editions of "A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil."

While he doubts the Progressive Party will prevail in 1912, Brett praises Addams for her campaign work and suggests it might pave the way for a victory in 1916.

Brett asks Addams if she is ready to publish another book with Macmillan Company.

Brett thanks Addams for informing him about her articles and asks to consider publishing them as a book.

Brett answers Addams' confusion about the multiple editions of A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil and apologizes for pressuring her about the next book.

Brett informs Addams that Macmillan is publishing third and fourth editions of A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil and compliments her for her success.

Addams' notes of a phone conversation with George P. Brett of Macmillan Company.

Brett apologizes on some late delivery of Addams' new book, The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets and discusses a plan for publication of her new book and the printing of some of that book's material in The American Magazine.

Brett suggests to Addams that she consider working on her new book for a fall publication date.

Brett writes Addams that Macmillan Company will publish her new book, A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil.

Brett thanks Addams for signing on to publish a cheap edition of The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets and sends a copy of the agreement.

Brett asks Addams to permit a reprinting of cheap copies of The Spirit of Youth in the City Street to reach new audiences.

Brett thanks Addams for allowing Macmillan Company to sell Twenty Years at Hull House to the Chautauqua Circles.

Brett writes Addams to propose the idea of selling discounted copies of Twenty Years at Hull House through the Chautauqua Society. He also proposes a new book idea.

Brett writes Addams that he is happy Macmillan will publish A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil soon promises her that the company will use a union shop for binding.

Brett writes to Addams suggesting a book idea about Hull-House.

Brett asks Addams if she is interested in writing another book as soon asĀ Twenty Years at Hull-House is completed.

Brett sends Addams a copy of J. Allen Smith's The Spirit of American Government. 

Brett writes of his pleasure to hear that Addams is willing to write a book on her experiences at Hull-House.

Brett congratulates Addams on the success of Democracy and Social Ethics and extends his hope that she will write a second book.

Brett sends Addams a royalty payment for sales of the first 1000 copies of Democracy and Social Ethics.

Brett asks Addams when James Weber Linn will be back in the country.