My dear Miss Addams,
I have forwarded your letter to Mr. Cummings at 40 Mt. Vernon St. Boston and the one to Miss Cheever to Dedham Mass. I found your note waiting me on my return from Virginia last night where I have been spreading our peace gospel in various summer normal schools and churches. I offered my services to the National Council for Reduction of Armaments and they sent me through the Shenandoah, [page 2] William and Mary College, Charlottesville etc. I enclose a report of our Richmond meeting. [written up left margin of page 1] I have mislaid the Richmond report.
I also enclose the first thing which Mr. Mead has written through with with much effort, for seven years. We used one of my pseudonyms and wrote it when I was away. He feels very deeply the need of Harding calling a new Conference. He is having a little easier summer, though the food question is a constant terror and he looks forward with great dread to the return to the hospital in September.
I spent a night with Mrs. [page 3] Post en route and I telephoned Mrs. DuBois and was glad to hear that the expenses of our three foreign ladies had all been covered. I am very sorry to learn of Mrs. Lewis's mishap.
I spoke at the Isles of Shoals before going to Virginia and shall do a little local work in N.H. I arranged for radio messages to be sent out on July 29th. I am shocked to learn that one of my speakers -- Dr. Doremus Scudder, who has been doing such strenuous work for amnesty and is one of our strong peace workers, was knocked down by an automobile this week. His skull fractured and I fear his [page 4] very great usefulness ended.
I should like to hear Miss Sheepshanks and wish we could engage her. But our state finances are a bit like our national.
I have just written a protest to Hon. Oscar Straus [illegible] the detestable broadside issued by Ralph M. Easley, chairman of the Council of the Nat. Civic Federation, in which he misrepresented both our W.I.L. and the Nat. Council for Reduction of Armaments. Root, Straus, Gompers, James Duncan, Prof. Jenks, and Taft are on the Ex. committee but the latter has just resigned on account of this.
Cordially yours
Lucia Ames Mead
[written up left margin] P.S I find Mr. Mead insists that I shall not tell who wrote the letter, so please tell no one.