Russian School for Orphans Facing Calamity, September 9, 1924


Central European Supplement

THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE, Daily News, European Edition, New York.

Berlin, September 3rd, 1924.

Russian School for Orphans Facing Calamity

Tragic Conditions cause boy suicide.

Berlin, Sept. 2., -- When the director of the school for Russian orphans at Falkenberg was forced to announce that the school would soon have to be closed on account of lack of funds one of the pupils came to his widowed mother in Berlin and told her that he could not endure another winter such as he spent before entering the school. A few hours later he was found dead in his room. The boy was one of the most talented of youths and the son of a noted naturalist who held a chair in the University of Petrograd. When his father was murdered by the Bolos and the entire property was confiscated, the mother came to Berlin, where she had been barely able to eke out a mean existence by any sort of work she could find.

The school has an enrollment of 75 little waifs whose parents were killed or driven out of Russia and they have been supported so far by an American committee, Mme. Lamprecht de Petschenko was instrumental in interesting Americans in their cause the school was made possible through her untiring effort.

An appeal is now made to Americans to help these little ones to obtain the necessities of life until new funds are available from America, possibly in three months. The cost of conducting the school is 1,200 marks per month. The American Friends Service Committee, Berlin, Dorotheenstr. 2., act as treasurers for this school. An appeal is made to Americans to help this most worthy cause. These children are in need of immediate help. They are part of the tragic result of a government for which they are not to blame. A dollar will feed one of these waifs an entire week. A dollar cannot be better invested.