The Summer School of the International League for Peace and Freedom.
May 17-May 31, 1924.
1. The Course of Study.
The subject to which the Course of Study will be devoted is Human Factors in Internationalism which will be discussed in several series of lectures and [Roundtable] Conferences. Some of these series will consist of as many as six or eight lectures, some of not more than two.
The subjects discussed will be somewhat as follows:
I. The Biological Basis of Internationalism.
II. The Psychological Factors in Internationalism.
III. The Economic Interdependence of Peoples.
IV. Social Cooperation
V. Political Reorganization.
VI. Cultural Sanctions of a World Order.
VII. The Brotherhood of Man. International Religious Organizations.
VIII. Labor Organizations -- International Aspects.
2. Registration, Housing, Fees, etc.
All registrations will be made at the Headquarters of the Chicago League at 1010 Fine Arts Building, 410 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago, where lists of hotels and boarding houses will be kept and every possible assistance rendered in finding agreeable and inexpensive accommodations.
The tuition for the entire course will be $5.00. Admission to a single lecture will be 50 cents.
3. The Place of Meeting.
Classes will usually be held in the Women's Club Rooms of the Fine Arts Building. One day's sessions will, however, be at the University of Chicago, one at Hull House, and one in Evanston.
4. Visits of Observation.
The regular lectures will be in the morning and in the evening and alternate afternoons. Except for [Roundtable] discussions arranged by special groups, each alternate afternoon will be left free for excursions and visits of observation to points and institutions of interest. If the weather is fine the second ↑weekend↓ will be spent at the Bowen Country Club.
All inquiries should be sent to the secretary of Summer School W.I.L. 1010 Fine Arts Building, 410 S.