Jane Addams to Amy Woods, November 26, 1923


American Relief for Russian Women and Children

Room 1318, 19 South La Salle Street, Chicago

November 26, 1923

My dear Miss Woods:

I am sending two letter which you may care to keep on file to show that probably we will not have to pay the expenses of any of our speakers at the summer school! The country in which the summer school is held has often arranged the program and I am sure we can claim that right now for ourselves. Alice [Salomon] from Berlin is also expected to be here ↑as you doubtless know.↓

I am also sending you Arnold Shaw's list although most likely you have them already. I think by keeping in touch with him and other such bureaus we may get quite a galaxy. I had a letter from S. K. [Ratcliffe] this morning saying he was sailing January 9. As he sometimes stays six months we might get him.

I hope I do not sound ungracious in regard to the congress program. Of course we will make suggestions but the executive committee have always been so sensitive that I have gotten rather timid.

I will supply the Chicago branch out of my 2000 circulars, shall I not, leaving all the other branches to you!

Faithfully ↑Hastily↓ yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss Amy Woods,
Washington, D. C.

↑P. S. Thank you so much for Miss Lachmund's letters. If M. Doty can't get [Dr] [Heymann] or Dr [Augsperg] over at once the fund will either advance 500.00 for it or I will cable to European fund to send them a monthly installment. J. A.↓