Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams, December 14, 1918


↑Carbon for E. G. B. from A. T. P.↓

2513 Twelfth Street, Washington, D.C.
December 14, 1918.

Dear Miss Addams:

A letter came from you today stamped on the outside as nearly as I can make it out: "Received Unsealed at Chicago, Ill., P.M. (M. B. T.)." Enclosed was a letter from you, three copies of the letter to Dr. Jacobs, and a two-page letter to be given to Mrs. Terrell if she should accept the invitation to act as a Delegate. I should not be so specific were it not that you speak in your letter as if you enclosed Mrs. Andrews' letter, for you say: "Mrs. Andrews writes that she cannot go, as you see by her letter." It may have been lost out of the ↑envelope,↓ letter, or it may not have got in after all.

I will hold the material for Mrs. Terrell and others. What you say about passports is all right. As soon as anything definite is decided I will write to all the Delegates. Please keep me informed as to any acceptances that may be received at your office and as to any new Delegates. In the meantime I will answer any questions that may come as well as I can.

I have just written to Miss Woolley enclosing a copy of my minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board and the Delegates on the 23rd and 24th of November, and asking for their return.

I am very sorry that Mrs. Andrews cannot go over with the "Five." She is wonderfully equipped for this work.

You say: "I do wish you would take her place on 'the Five.'" If I should do so I would be by far the least well equipped person in the group, but I realize that no one can decline a difficult job at this time if it is one that is worth doing. So if I should be elected by the Board I would try to serve. Probably your idea is that I should be elected as Mrs. Andrews' alternate, for perhaps she could come back among the Five later. And I should think this would be best. Also, later you might find some one else better fitted, and perhaps one who could be over there longer than I would feel that I ought to be, for I could only stay three or four weeks at most. I am deciding this without consulting Louis, for he happens to be away; but I know he will want me to do what I can in the matter. He has much faith in the value of this women's movement.

I will send a copy of this letter to Mrs. Mead, and one to Miss Balch.

Always faithfully and affectionately yours,