Jane Addams to Myra Harriet Reynolds Linn, December 28, 1918

Dec 28" 1918

My dear Myra

The orange, eaten by Mary Smith & myself, was [delicious] -- the [pastry?] was fine and the lemon still graces my mantle as a parlor ornament. The whole package was most heartwarming and overflowing with Xmas good will. I send my thanks to the entire family.

It was awfully nice of Stanley to write about Esther's children coming to visit you. I am afraid that they will have to stick pretty closely to [page 2] school for the next four years but I am sure that sometime it can be brought about.

Aunt Laura is talking of going either to Florida or to California for part of the winter. I think that if you wanted to ask her to come for a visit this winter that she might be delighted to accept. She is at Cedarville just now.

Ernest & Sarah have moved to Rock Island Ill where Ernest is the manager of a factory. It is very nice to have them so near.

My dearest love to the family & best wishes for a Happy New Year.

Always your loving Aunt Jane Addams