Clara B. Arthur to Jane Addams, September 9, 1912

General Headquarters and Office
of President:
205 Telegraph Building

Campaign Headquarters
405-6 Fourth National Bank Building
Grand Rapids

DETROIT, MICH., Sept. 9, 1912

Miss Jane Addams,
c/o Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My Dear Miss Addams: --

The Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs is endeavoring to secure you for an address on Woman Suffrage in this state between October 16th and 21st. I have been hoping each day to hear that you have complied with their request. I write to entreat you, if it is within the bound of human possibility, to go on that program. We are straining every nerve to win and as the Federation meets so closely before election, your coming would mean much in the final count.

I am, Yours very cordially,

Clara B. Arthur [signed]

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