Margaret Dreier Robins Papers


The collection contains records related to the life of Margaret Dreier Robins. Her involvement with the women's movement and trade unions is extensively documented. Additionally, the collection contains documents and correspondence regarding such specific topics as: prohibition, China, Florida, public health, social welfare, religious groups, the 'Peace Movement', political parties and campaigns, and women's suffrage. The collection also contains biographical material related to both her and her husband as well as correspondence between the two and records related to the Chinsegut Hill estate. Raymond Robins' life is also documented through several scrapbooks and photo albums and many of the clippings and publications reflect his activities as well as those of his wife. There are also records of Raymond Robins' father, Charles E. Robins.

Alternative Title

Margaret Dreier Robins Papers

Documents in this collection


Addams asks Robins to write to the Boards of Health of major cities to find out how they regulate and enforce contagious diseases.

Robins requests information about how New York marks residences with members suffering from infectious diseases.

Addams encloses a copy (not found) and tells Robins not to bother returning it.

Addams remarks on her embarrassment over people reading her book.

Addams encourages Robins to bring Mr. Bell to dinner at Hull-House.

Addams invites Robins for dinner and to prepare to interview Anita McCormick Blaine.
MDR to JA 1.jpg

Robins commits $20,000 of her father's fortune to helping remedy the issue of public schools.

Writing from the hospital bedside of her nephew, Addams thanks Robins for the book she sent at Christmas.
BB to JA 1.jpg

Boies complains to Addams about the distasteful "Bull Moose Party" name for the new Progressive Party.

This incomplete newspaper clipping describes the Progressive Party strategy in Kentucky.

Addams informs Robins that she is unable to speak in California.

On behalf of Addams, Smith writes Robins about Addams' speaking schedule in the coming weeks.

Arthur asks Addams to speak about suffrage for the Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs.

On behalf of Addams, Robins informs Arthur that Addams will speak to the Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs on October 16th.

Arthur asks Robins, on behalf of Jane Addams, to clarify Addams' speaking engagements in Colorado.

Forrest writes Addams about a message in the Los Angeles Tribuneabout "Jane Addams Choruses" greeting Theodore Roosevelt on the campaign trail.

Ford forwards a letter To Robins, and lets her know that Addams has declined an invitation.

Matheny informs Addams about the Progressive legislation agenda and suffrage in West Virginia and asks her to be a part of it all.

Addams tells Robins that she will confirm with Raymond Swing that he should not publish Raymond Robins' letters.

Addams thanks Robins for her gift of oranges and sends sympathies for the death of her sister Dorothea Drieir.

Addams thanks the Robins's for the gift of oranges.

Addams tells Robins that due to her health she may not be able to accept an invitation to stay outside Chicago.

Robins regrets that Smith and Addams will not be able to visit them.