Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, February 21, 1912


Feby 21″ 1912



Your letter came before the Chicago papers and ended any hope that the number of executed men might be reduced.

It is too hideous to think about and I am sorry you had to have the shock of it all.

I have been writing hours every day and the stuff is really improved I hope, it has doubtless increased in bulk -- It will be a little larger than The Spirit of Youth. Mr Kirk at last [page 2] found a fine young man who pounds the type writer merrily all day and who has already made a first copy of about a third of the material. The Lady works like a galley slave and I shall be glad to get it off for all kinds of reasons and get my mind freed of the subject. Jennie Gerhardt seems to me a clever story but the Bed of Roses is too much!

Will you send Mr Marsh's letters to Edith Wyatt whose address I have forgotten? It seems to me his proposition is as fair as we can hope for. [page 3] I wish with all my heart that you could be here. It is much more open and sunny & bright than Hot Springs and much more attractive [although] the hotel is a big vulgar thing run by New Yorkers. I have dreamed of your father for two nights but neither time was it in connection with any thing painful. I am feeling much better and am drinking alkaline waters like a fish. Please give my love to Frank & Eleanor and for you, Dear, you know that you have the best that I [possess]!

Always yr J. A.