Call to Women's International Congress for Peace, ca. 1922

Women’s International Conference
[organized] by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. The Hague (Holland) December 7-9, Hôtel "Wittebrug".

A NEW PEACE.          PAX          CALL TO WOMEN.

The social system is rapidly going to pieces.

One newspaper after another assents that Europe is on the verge of absolute ruin.

This is true.

It is a crucial moment: if a bloody revolution arising from blank despair should break out in Central Europe, it could not be confined. Sheer anarchy would be the inevitable consequence with unspeakable misery for the people and destruction of all we cherish.

The women of Europe appeal to their Sisters in the United States.

The Peace treaties have failed.

They were based on Greed and Revenge. It is this basis that must be changed.

We need a new Peace.

Many women all over the world have felt this very deeply. They have waited and suffered. Now they have decided to

Confer and Speak out.

At The Hague, where in 1915 the pacifist women from belligerent and neutral countries met to [endeavor] to find a way out of the war, they will now meet again, on December 7th-9th in order, on the basis of the resolutions then taken, to find a way towards the reconstruction of what has been cruelly destroyed.

Towards the building up of this new Peace, the following aspects will be considered:

(1) The Political;

(2) The Economic;

(3) The Military;

(4) The Psychological.

We appeal to all who are in sympathy with the objects of the conference and desire to build up human [cooperation], to take some part in our conference and help us in every possible way. [page 2]

You are invited to:

1. Attend the Conference as a fraternal delegate from your [organization] or as a visitor;

2. Send a subscription for the conference to the U.S. Section of the W.I.L.P.F. 1401. H. Street, N.W. Washington D.C., where you can also apply for further information.

3. Make the object of the Conference known to your friends and in the press.

Those who help the women now will be helping the world.

Headquarters Hôtel "Wittebrug” The Hague.

Bed and breakfast (double room) f 3. -- (about $ 1.20).

Bed and breakfast (single room) f 3.50 (about $ 1.40).

Central heating: first-class Hôtel. Exceptional prices for our conference.

The International Executive:

JANE ADDAMS, president (U.S.A.).

CATHERINE E. MARSHALL, vice-president, (Gr. Britain).

LIDA GUSTAVA HEYMANN, vice-president, (Germany).

EMILY G. BALCH, secretary-treasurer, (U.S.A.).

C. RAMONDT-HIRSCHMANN, assistant-secretary (Holland).





GERTRUD BAER, (Germany).

For the [Organizing] Committee:

H. M. SWANWICK, chairman.



5. Valeriuspleln, Amsterdam, Holland.