Jane Addams to Oscar S. Straus, November 12, 1908


Nov. 12, 1908

Mr. Oscar [Straus],
Washington D.C.

My dear Mr. [Straus]: --

As you doubtless know, at the meeting of the Conference of Charities and Correction in Richmond, you were appointed a member of the Committee on Immigrants. We have had sent to your address a marked copy of Bulletin 46, giving the personnel of the Committee. May I ask you to send me at your earliest convenience suggestions as to the program? Our Committee is allowed one general session, and we can arrange as many special sessions as we have material for, probably two would be enough.

As I have been requested to make a report to the Executive Committee [page 2] within the next two weeks, I should be grateful for an early reply.

Anticipating with much pleasure the work of the Committee made up of so many ↑people↓ genuinely interested in the immigrant, I am,

Very sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]