Women to Appeal to Chief Capitals, May 1, 1915

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Committees Will Demand That Steps Be Taken to End the War.


A Permanent Peace Committee Formed -- Jane Addams Praises Work of The Hague Gathering.


Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES.

THE HAGUE, May 1. -- Urging that the neutral countries should immediately offer continuous mediation to the warring powers, Miss Julia Grace Wales of the University of Wisconsin, seconded by a representative of the parties to the conflict, secured the unanimous and enthusiastic [endorsement] of a plan for mediation without armistice of which she is the author and that has already been submitted to President Wilson by the Wisconsin Legislature in a special memorial.

By vote of the conference an international committee or congress of women is to sit throughout the peace negotiations, which in the end must be carried on by the powers when the conflict ceases, with a view to bringing the pressure of public opinion to bear in the direction of securing a settlement that will if possible prevent the recurrence of war.

The congress also voted to send a committee of women from neutral and belligerent countries to the capitals of Europe and the United States to lay before them an appeal based upon the resolutions adopted by the congress. Future organized co-operations on the part of the International woman's movement is assured by the creation of a permanent International Woman's Peace Committee.

The congress, which came to a close at 12:30 o'clock this afternoon with interest unabated, has been wonderful and inspiring. Many hundreds of letters and telegrams from women all over the world, for the most part approving and in some cases protesting against holding of an international gathering, showed the universal interest in the meeting.

The closing session will long be remembered, replete as it was with obvious manifestations of international good-will and woman's solidarity. Those most cautious and tearful lest the congress prove an unwise step were loudest in their congratulations upon its successful issue.

(Copyright, 1915, by The Chicago Herald.)

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