Alfred Henry Baller to Jane Addams, April 21, 1915


De Witt Neb April 21 1915

Much Respected Sister in Christ

I have read in the late news, that you are appointed as one of the delegates, to the anti war convention soon to be held at The Hague.

I therefore take the liberty to write a few lines to [express] the hope that the [blessing] of God may be with you & that it may prove to be the sun rise of a better day for our suffering world. The cause of war is an insane rebellion against God & his law & rejecting the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the nations of Europe have rebelled against God & are reaping the reward. The only remedy is to obey the Laws of God as taught in the Gospel of Christ. Oh may God guide & [bless] all the efforts made for his Glory is my Prayer. Your bro in Christ. A H Baller

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