Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, April 11, 1903

335 South Halsted Street

My dear Alice,

I should not think that a summer in Antwerp would be a very profitable or exhilarating vacation after one had seen the Cathedral, the Art Gallery and the Guild Houses -- it would not be unlike a summer in Chicago or any other large city.

There is no opera or theater of consequence and of course there would be no point in learning the language as would be true in Berlin or Paris. Rose of course would be too busy with her lessons and practicing to take [page 2] many trips or excursions. Several parties are going from the House this summer. Miss Hamilton and her sisters, Sarah is going with Mary Winters & two others young ladies, Mr Riddle has already gone.

If you would take Marcet over, it would be easy to come back with some of the parties, or to combine with them part of the time -- why don't you do that, if you want her to have the sea voyage -- Prof Mead ↑from the University of Chicago↓, his wife and ↑little↓ boy are going to Honolulu in May, ↑Prof Mead's mother was for many years Pres't of Mt Holyoke College.↓ if the sea voyage is better in that direction I could arrange for Marcet to go with [page 3] them-- She would of course get some thing out of the Antwerp trip and could come back with Sarah in Sept. but it seems to me far from an ideal summer for your first taste of Europe.

This is my frank opinion which you asked for -- I do not want to urge it.

In regard to Sarah I am arranging matters as best I can and she starts June 24″ for Boston. I should of course be glad for your help whenever you can give it, but I was not expecting it.

The Grand Opera is being given for two weeks with some of the [page 4] best [singers?] in the country. I think that I will write for Marcet to come in. She could hear ↑Wagner's↓ Siegfried Friday night and "The Magic Flute" on Saturday afternoon. Hoping that the house building is coming on well.

I am always your loving sister

Jane Addams

April 11" 1903