Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, April 7, 1905


My dear Lady

I had a very comfortable journey from Washington and am quite ashamed of my delayed letter to a hostess who was so unfailingly kind to me. I hope that she will be kind enough to forget my depleted state of mind and body the last three days. I am really all right again and wonder how I ever became so foggy.

Mary Smith and I have [united on] one of Miss Starr's books which we are sending with [page 2] our affections and best wishes. It is one more shop specimin which I hope you aren't getting tired of. We are all much interested in the press accounts of the Stokes engagement and find ourselves [resenting] some of them. Please give my love to Miss McDowell and the other members of your household and believe me not unmindful of your many kindnesses. Always affectionately yours

Jane Addams

April 7" 1905