Benjamin Barr Lindsey to Jane Addams, January 2, 1915


January 2, 1915.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I was very much surprised to hear the other day that you were in Denver on your way East from California. I regret so much that I didn't have a chance to see you, but I concluded that you were tired and worn out, and I can fully appreciate what that means and how important it was to have your rest and be free from interruptions.

Mrs. Borden Harriman told me that she would so much like to stay at Hull House if she came to Chicago again. I found her to be one of the most hopeful women I have met in a long time. I am so anxious to have you explain some things to her that she seems uncertain about. I just wanted you to know how enthusiastic she was over your work, and how kindly she feels towards you and how glad -- in my judgment -- she would be for your views on any of the matters that the Industrial Relations Committee is trying to solve.

My wife may have to go to Chicago possibly to undergo an operation. In that event, I may be in Chicago for a few days sometime this winter, but it would be only to run down to be present at the operation and come right back unless it should prove more serious than we anticipate. In that event, I hope to run over to see you if I can possibly spare the time from here. I have been so anxious to discuss a number of matters with you.

I hope you see our friends the Chenerys once in a while. It was a great loss to have them leave Denver. They fitted right in with our group here and were making so many friends and doing such good work.

With kindest regards and best wishes for the new year, I am

Sincerely yours,

Dic. 12.30.14.

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