Minutes of the Emergency Peace Committee, December 19, 1914


The meeting was called to order by Miss Jane Addams, chairman pro tem. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary. The Committee, consisting of Messrs. Mez, Kennedy and Lochner, appointed to submit a digest of the various proposals for the settlement of the world war, and therefrom to construct a minimum program, reported.

The various sections of the report were taken up and discussed at length, and certain amendments made, all of which have been incorporated in the "Program for Constructive Peace" appended hereto. 

It was moved, seconded and carried to adopt the program as a whole as amended. It was then moved, seconded and carried that the Emergency Peace Committee be organized permanently under the name of "The Emergency Federation of Peace Forces, Chicago Committee." 

It was moved by Mr. Morris, seconded and carried, that the temporary officers be made permanent.

Upon motion of Mr. Canning, the chairman was empowered to appoint an executive committee of seven numbers, with power to increase this number if so desired, Mr. Wilson then presented the following motion, which prevailed without dissenting voice: [page 2]

"That the president and the secretary and the executive committee be instructed to issue a call to all the organized peace bodies in this country, and to all bodies interested in action in behalf of world peace, to send delegates to a conference to be held at Chicago, to form a 'National Federation of Peace Forces,' and to formulate a minimum program looking toward disarmament and world peace."

It was moved, seconded and carried that the organizations represented in the Emergency Peace Federation be requested to contribute toward the postage and clerical help necessary in the furtherance of the objects of the Federation.

It was moved, seconded and carried that the finance committee of the Emergency Peace Committee be continued.

Moved to adjourn, seconded and carried.

The following persons and organizations were represented.

Name.  Organization.
Jane Addams  Woman's City Club,
Rosika Schwimmer
Harriet Monroe  Emergency Peace Committee
Helen M. Bosley, Chicago [Woman's] Club
Anna B. Goddard, [Chicago [Woman's] Club]
Katherine Knowles Robbins, [Chicago Woman's Club]
Bertha des Combes Favard, Woman's Peace Committee
Mary H. Wilmarth, Emergency Peace Committee
Eve W. Schutze, [Emergency Peace Committee]
Bertha Martin, Woman's Peace Committee
Lydia M. Schmidt,
[Andrew] P. Canning, Chicago Single Tax Club
M. S. Kuhns, Emergency Peace Committee
Mrs. James Witkowsky, [Emergency Peace Committee]
Mrs. M. B. Randall, Woman's Peace Committee
Miss Florence Holbrook, Chairman,
Miss S. M. Franklin, Woman's Peace Committee
Miss [Beatrix] Dauchy, [Women's Trade Union League] [page 3]
John C. Kennedy  Socialist Party of Cook Country
Bernard McMahon [Socialist Party of Cook Country]
Mary E. McDowell Emergency Peace Committee
Susanna [Cocroft] Woman's Constructive Peace Committee
Mrs. Bertram Sippy, Emergency Peace Committee
Graham Taylor Chicago School of Civic Philanthropy
[Ethelwyn] Mills, Socialist Women's League
J. A. Rogers, Jr., National Young Peoples Socialist League
Morton L. Johnson, Penny Phone League
Mrs. Anna Belle Kennedy, Socialist Women's League
Margaret A. Haley, Teachers' Federation
Loring R. Hoover, Iroquois Club,
Chas. F. Weller, Playground & Recreation Association of America Committee
J. R. Richards,
Henry E. Coonley, Chicago Progressive Committee
Henry C. Morris
Fred A. Moore,
Louis P. Lochner, Chicago Peace Society
Thomas W. [Allinson], Social Service Club,
Grace Wilbur Trout, President, Illinois Equal Suffrage Association
J. S. Wilson, Socialist Party
Ida L. M. Fursman, Chicago Teachers' Federation
Carl D. Thompson, National Socialist Office
May Wood-Simons, National Socialist Woman's Committee
Walter Lanfersick National Secretary, Socialist Party
Mary O'Reilly, Ex-Board Chicago Federation of Labor.
Dr. John Mez.


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