Jane Addams to David Starr Jordan, December 8, 1914


December 8, 1914.

My dear Dr. Jordan: --

It will give me great pleasure to serve on any Peace Committee of which you are Chairman, and I am happy to accept the membership of which you wrote me on December 3d.

Literally, I am receiving letters every day from all over the country urging that a meeting be called in Washington in January to consider the question of peace. Many of the letters are from women but by no means all of them.

Do you think we could have such a meeting in Washington about the 10th of January, gathering together various groups of people who might be interested in the peace movement as an emergency plan?

I am enclosing a letter which came in my morning's mail. There is great eagerness for some sort of expression, and while I do not wish it to lead to a foolish demonstration it does seem a pity not to give definite form to so much zeal!

Please don't trouble to return the letter -- it is merely an exhibit, as it were!

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Dr. David Starr Jordan
Boston, Massachusetts.

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