Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, March 1, 1913

On board R.M.S. "ADRIATIC."
March 1st 1913

My dear Alice

Here we are on our tenth day out -- about half of them pleasant, about half nasty but none of them of the worst type.

I have postal cards from the Madeira islands and from Gibraltar -- we stop again today at Algiers [page 2] and then on to the Italian ports -- reaching Egypt on the 9th. It has seemed a long voyage but very pleasant withal and one really gets attached to the ship in quite a new way, coming back to her after sorties on the land.

I felt quite homesick for you on Monday morning as I thought of you leaving for Phila. and was sorry not to see you again. I was very [page 3] for your ships letter.

I still find it rather hard to use my eyes in writing or reading, Mary Smith has read aloud an enormous history of Egypt and we are [even] going on to its Sudan. There are a number of Kansas people on board -- Mrs Henry Allen [etc.] who all ask for you. My love to you in which Mary joins Always your loving sister Jane Addams

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