George Platt Brett Sr. to Jane Addams, July 8, 1906


July 8, 1906.

Dic. G. P. B.


Dear Miss Addams:--

So many false and malicious statements have been made in Chicago within the past few days in regard to the Macmillan Company that I deem it my duty as President of the Company to put before you as a well known author and friend of the truth a denial of such of these as affect the present Reader adoption in Chicago.

Some of the statements are so clearly libelous that my company proposes to take legal advice with a view to the prosecution of those responsible for publishing them.

First let me say, then, that neither The Macmillan Company nor any of its stockholders is in any way interested in any other book publishing or book distributing company or firm either financially or in any other manner.

That no person profits or is in any way financially interested in the adoption or sale of The Macmillan Company's Readers, Geographies, or other school books used in the City of Chicago, except the company's stockholders or the authors of these books.

The Child Life Readers now recommended for use in Chicago are without doubt the best Readers for teaching purposes yet published, pupils taught by these books in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and other large cities, showing more progress in the same time than by any other series or method. Superintendent Cooley in recommending the adoption of these books in simply following the wishes of his best teachers expressed almost unanimously, and following also the experience of teachers in using the books in most of the large and most progressive Eastern cities. [page 2]

The Child Life Readers, quality considered, are lower in price than other series offered for use in Chicago; and their adoption would result, as all of Superintendent Cooley's recommendations have hitherto resulted, in a considerable saving to the taxpayers and pupils in the Chicago Schools.

It is true that the Macmillan Company has offered for adoption in Indiana and elsewhere editions of these books printed on cheaper paper and less well bound at lower prices than those at which the more expensive editions have been offered here, believing, as we do, that Chicago wants only the best than can be had; but The Macmillan Company will at any time during its contract, if it is awarded to the company, substitute on the Superintendent's request to that effect the cheaper editions above referred to, on the same conditions, at the Indiana Contract prices.

To prove that the Chicago Schools buy their supplies of school books cheaper than most other if not any other large city it is only necessary to tell you, as I now do, that The Macmillan Company actually lost money on the first year's sales of its Geographies to the Chicago Schools, which Superintendent Cooley adopted following the example of most other educationally progressive cities and states.

Very truly yours,


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