Jane Addams to Crystal Eastman, April 17, 1912


April 17, 1912.

My dear Mrs. Benedict: --

I have already written Wausau that I am afraid it will be impossible for me to come at present.

I am going to give the second week in May to campaigning in Kansas, and I have engagements in Oshkosh May 27th, Sheboygan May 28th, Appleton May 2d and half promises to Beloit and Elkhorn. I think it would be easier to put the rest of my Wisconsin engagements into one week in the summer, when perhaps Wausau could be included.

I should be glad to come up to Milwaukee for the June <[illegible]>meeting to which you refer, but I have very few free dates left, and it seems impossible to get in another speaking engagement for April. I shall try to get at the address very soon but I am doing so much that I have quite forgotten what I said in one place in distinction to another.

With all good wishes for the campaign, I am

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mrs. Crystal Eastman Benedict
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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