Wharton Barker to Jane Addams, August 6, 1912


August 6, 1912

Miss Jane Addams,
800 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Madam:

Under another cover I send you copy of the Great Issues and an open letter on the need of the new political party issued in February 1911. It is I believe most unfortunate that the new political party the needs of the times have developed should have as presidential candidate Theodore Roosevelt, because he has small knowledge of any of the great economic questions that press for solution and also because he has heretofore managed to be on both sides of all questions -- talking for the public -- working for the moneyed oligarchy.

His action upon the negro question is in accord with his action on all other vital questions. The politician thrusts the man aside.

When you have read some of the chapters in the Great Issues I hope you will let me know by letter your view of the present public situation.

I remain, my dear madam,

Very truly yours,

Wharton Barker [signed]

<What do you say of the platform I proposed? W B>