Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman, November 1911


My dear Marcet:--

I am coming on to New York for two days next Saturday and Sunday, the eleventh and twelfth and shall hope very much to see you.

I have meetings almost all day Saturday in the Metropolitan Tower at the headquarters of the National Women's Suffrage Association, and Sunday with some Settlement folk. You can reach me on the telephone during off-hours C/O Miss Wald, The Nurses' Settlement, 265 Henry Street. I leave for Philadelphia on Monday afternoon and have no engagements in New York that day save luncheon. Do get in communication with me. I am sure Miss Wald would be glad to have you come any time — especially at meal time. Am sending <one> copy of this letter to the Three Arts Club and <another to> West Eighth Street so that I can be certain you will get it.

Always, with love
Jane Addams. [signed]

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