Andrew C. McLaughlin to Jane Addams, January 7, 1911



5609 Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, Ills. January 7, 1911
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,

My dear Miss Addams: 

I have been hesitating for ten days or more about writing you this letter in which I am asking you to prepare a very short paper on the subject of DEMOCRACY AND SOCIAL ETHICS  (1000 words) for our CYCLOPEDIA. I have hesitated because nobody knows better than I, I think, how busy you are and how many demands are made upon your time but we are very desirous of having something from you even though very little, and I am sure that you can, even in this limited space, say something that is worth while for us and for the user of the Cyclopedia.

The title means to me what is involved in the way of social ethical action because of the ideals of democracy and the existence of a democratic state.

You will notice from the enclosed circular that the copy need not be in our hands until the end of the summer though I should be glad to receive it at an earlier date if possible.

Very sincerely yours,
A.C. McLaughlin [signed]

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