Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, April 7, 1925


Geneva, April 7th, 1925.

Dear Miss Addams,

I wonder whether you are still in Mexico, or whether you are passing Easter time at home. I hope you and Miss Smith both enjoyed it undisturbed, and have come back refreshed. Please remember me to Miss Smith.

You will perhaps be interested in the enclosed letter of thanks for the doubles of our library we have sent to Japan last year. It is addressed to you, although I had signed the correspondence.

I hope both circular letters about the Executive Meeting have reached you; it is very likely to be held in Austria, near the Swiss border, beginning July 13th. I think this would be convenient for Miss Balch; if only her health will be good! She complains of indigestion and [biliousness], which caused a delay in her getting to Athens. It is too bad that her health is so delicate!

With kind regards

yours sincerely

Vilma Glücklich

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