Rosika Schwimmer to Jane Addams, September 6, 1924


September 6. 1924.

My dear Miss Addams,

I have been so ill since June that  -- unable to afford a stenographer -- I could not attend to even my most important mail. But now I am picking up again and getting "back to normalcy."

During the Summer school Mrs. Meller, Mrs. Ramondt and a third delegate whose name I forgot, [told] me as a message from you that you would be glad to do anything to help my getting lecturing engagements.

I mentioned your kind offer to Feakins whose answer of August seventh I enclose as it explains what he would like to get.

It is never easy for me to ask personal favors but during the last two months my physical condition was added to my ordinary diffidence.

The time being extraordinarily pressing, may I beg you kindly to send your letter of recommendation directly to Mr. Feakins and also the list of W.I.L. branches. My fees have been reduced so that this question can be no obstacle any longer. Mrs. Reis gave Mr. Feakins a letter of recommendation to Jewish [organizations] which resulted already in several engagements.

The third Insulin treatment which I had just now has proved definitely that it does not affect me and my physician believes, as I always thought, that proper work and a self earned income would be the best medicine. I need work, and I need money desperately, that [is] why I must screw up myself to ask for the favor of a letter of recommendation.

Thanking you in advance for the [trouble] you are kindly taking on my behalf, and hoping that you had a satisfactory summer.

devotedly yours:

Feakins letter

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